<p>Okay, I realize I have like a couple hours left but I'm just looking for some last minute input... :P</p>
<p>I'm going to be majoring in CS, though I'm very interested in math and would like to have a good education in math as well. In CS, I'm most interested in artificial intelligence. I'm considering doing research over the summer, but I am not certain. Larger school size is a plus for me. Also, I'm going to have finished 14 AP tests by the end of the year, with almost all 5s, so AP credit matters...</p>
<p>Anyway, here's what I see as the pros and cons of each school:</p>
+ Strongest student base
+ Strongest core curriculum
+ Very strong math
+ Great research opportunities (SURF)
+ Low reqs for math/CS, possible double major
+ Good area (nice suburban Pasadena)
+ Good weather
+ Most prestigious (in my opinion)
± House system (probably good, but I can see some drawbacks)
± Students have similar interests
- Very, very small
- Narrow CS program
- Notorious workload/stress
- Lower GPA
- No AP credit
- Male:female ratio</p>
<p>Carnegie-Mellon University:
+ Strongest CS
+ Minor in A.I., Robotics, H.C.I., etc.
+ Great research opportunities (SURF, SURG)
+ Lots of AP credit
+ Small, but not too small
+ Modern campus
- Narrow math program
- Pittsburgh is <em>meh</em></p>
<p>UC Berkeley:
+ Strong core curriculum
+ Very strong math
+ Strong CS
+ AP credit
+ Large school, campus
? Research opportunities for undergrads?
- Oakland (BEFORE I knew anything at all about the stigma associated with Oakland, I lived there for about a week... and I simply felt uneasy outside. Not to mention all the stories I've heard...)</p>
<p>Please provide some sort of input, especially if you've had a negative experience at one of these schools... I just want some sort of reassurance when I pick my school. I'm sure many of you have noticed that, when faced with a tough decision, we tend to pick one based upon instinct and then rationalize the decision afterwords...</p>