Camp 1831 and/or Honors Action Week

Do students often do both? Or do the honors college students primarily choose only an Honors Action week? Also, my understanding is that students move in early with these programs. Is it usually just the day before the program starts?

My honors college kids did Outdoor Action, not camp 1831. They both loved it. I think they moved in Friday, and Outdoor Action started Sunday, or possibly Saturday.

Camp 1831 Session 1 has an early move in of Tuesday, August 6, and Camp starts August 7.

Camp 1831 Session 2 has an early move in on Friday, August 9, and then Camp starts Monday, the 12th.

I’m not sure about the Honors, but if you check Alabama’s site, there’s information.

@jonsmom23 - thanks. Just wasn’t sure if it made sense to do both or just an honors action week.

I’m sure one day will be enough for move in, just feels rushed as we would be flying in so I am sure we will need to go make a few store runs to get items. Hopefully we can organize ahead of time.:slight_smile:

Both of my kids did both. They made most of their friends during Honors Outdoor Action. Both can’t hurt. If pressed for time and/or money I would have them do Honors Action only.