Camp 1831

<p>This seems to be a 3 day get to know each other experience for freshman. Anyone have a child go through it? Thoughts on it if they did?</p>

<p>I suggested it to my daughter but she opted to do Honors Alabama Action. I told her she could do both since one follows the other but she wants a few extra days at home to say goodbye to her friends. </p>

<p>2013 was the initial year for the program. It is for Out of State Freshmen. My son choose one of the honors action programs instead, but the feedback on this site August 2013 was positive. </p>

<p>I think any program to socially acclimate students before classes starts is good. </p>

<p>Our son did 1831 and Alabama Action. 1831 was a great way to kick off his time at UA and also earned him an early move-in, which was a tremendous perk. He made some friends and I know they met to go to a movie a few weeks later, kind of a reunion. I know they had faculty and administrators attend the dinners and mingle with the students, he mentioned that in detail. He enjoyed getting to know the team of upperclassmen who led the event. The camp was beautiful and they stayed in cabins. I know he mentioned the food was good and overall, we and he were very glad he decided to do it. It is not only for OOS freshman, but I do remember meeting parents and kids from all over as we met briefly before the students left ferguson on buses. They had a mini pep rally with Big Al and the cheerleaders to send them off. The more a student does to get engaged early, the better. I’m glad UA provides these opportunities. Take advantage of all you can.</p>

<p>Spacecoastmom, did he feel doing both AA and 1831 was too much? Did he enjoy 1831 better?</p>

<p>Is this just for freshman? I’m a transfer student coming in Fall 2014 and got an email about it.</p>

<p>Thank you all for the feedback. Thinking since we are OOS it may be good. Spacecoastmom so they move in early and then go to the camp? I’m assuming they don’t miss anything on the standard move in weekend? </p>

<p>Mattio it is also open to transfer students according to the post card my son got.</p>

<p>@mattio‌ </p>

<p>According to this, it’s for freshmen and transfer students: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Honestly, there are so many orientation and pre-frosh programs, my head is spinning. I’m not sure how the average kid even finds out about all these opportunities; I only know about them from CC or FB. </p>

<p>I guess they’re emailing accepted students, but has anybody figured out a central location for learning about all this stuff? It’s particularly confusing for honors students who have additional options.</p>

<p>Sorry for the slow response to questions. </p>

<p>did he feel doing both AA and 1831 was too much? Did he enjoy 1831 better?</p>

<p>He did not feel they were too much because there were a few days in between. He enjoyed both, but seemed to make more meaningful friendships in Alabama Action, probably because it was longer in duration.</p>

<p>Spacecoastmom so they move in early and then go to the camp? I’m assuming they don’t miss anything on the standard move in weekend?</p>

<p>Yes, last August, he moved his things into his room before leaving for camp 1831. We didn’t have a lot of time to unpack though. And no, he didn’t miss anything, he was getting settled himself when he returned to campus.</p>

<p>Thanks! Son doesn’t seem too interested so will probably pass</p>

<p>Actually was considering doing the week of OA then Camp 1831 but the Friday overlaps. Then I thought maybe I would sign up my son for Camp 1831 for the Wed-Friday before OA but read online that early move-in would not be available SO I guess it is just OA. This is probably enough but Camp 1831 really sounds fun!</p>

<p>@kjcphmom My son LOVED OA last year and made some lasting friendships. I think just OA will be more than enough to settle in.</p>