<p>I'm running for NHS president. I really need the leadership, and I'd really like to do it, since the last few presidents got absolutely nothing done for the society. The election is tomorrow. Are there any tactics I can use to win? I have my friends on my side (about 25 or so sure votes - of about 70), but I'm also running against two very undeserving and drunken, yet more popular kids. </p>
<p>I was thinking about going all Reese Witherspoon in Election and handing out the baked goods, but I think that may be taking it a bit too far. Is there anything you've used to gain votes?</p>
<p>^ baked goods works, FREE baked goods.</p>
<p>I know what u mean, at my former High school we had an NHS president that did pretty much nothing.</p>
<p>She always suggested doing things to “change the atmosphere” of the school but they never quite worked.</p>
<p>Few Words:</p>
<p>-Promote only what u can do, your word is very honorable.
-Be calm when u talk, don’t look down and by all means be loud.
-Be realistic, don’t be like those preppy kids who are all like “OMG, I’ll promise u this to make our school the best”
-Offer your ideas, community service and such, but all with realistic goals.
-Be Confident!</p>
<p>you should also write a quick short paragraph description of why your running and your platform. then add a bulleted list of ideas you want to implement if elected. make it aggressive as if you know you’ll win i.e. “as president I will…” confidence is key. and dont worry nobody will care if you lose. (hope not)
Hand this stuff out in flier. doesnt have to be fancy.(esp if handed out with a treat
this has worked wonders for me
Im on ASB Exec. Board as well as officer of 6 other clubs</p>