Campus Housing For Returning Students

<p>I can answer that since I asked the exact same question. Housing responded with this:</p>



<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The reason I am concerned this particular year is because DS will be a junior and wants to change dorms. His plans to move off campus fell through in January (in that his roommates either thought the rent was too much or there was nothing available in the places they were interested in). To be waiting to hear if there is a room available for him on campus is nerve wracking bc if it doesn’t work out, we start completely over. Sorry if that sounds whiny.</p>

<p>How is the decision made as to who is allowed to recontract (beyond class standing)? What perecentage of students who want to recontract are not allowed to? </p>

<p>It must be awful for a kid whose roommates are allowed to and they aren’t, I really really hope that doesn’t happen often. It would be a lonely feeling to have to figure out off-campus housing on their own without their roomates (and this could even happen in freshman year, at a time when they should be able to start feeling settled)… </p>

<p>Posters keep saying don’t worry, but no one seems to be able to answer ther more direct question about how big is the problem (i.e. students who wish to but aren’t allowed to live on campus)…</p>

<p>Stay tuned . . . we should know a lot more on Tuesday.</p>

<p>OK, not to freak everyone out (although I am, admittedly freaked out myself), but my son’s housing status that did say ‘completed’ is GONE. It now just has the general </p>

<p>“The housing application for returning students for the fall 2013/spring 2014 application period will be available beginning January 2, 2013. For more information, please contact the Housing and Residential Communities office at (205) 348-6676 or <a href=“”></a>.”</p>

<p>YIKES! PLEASE tell me that everyone’s status has changed to this!</p>

<p>RTRMom2, I just checked and my S’s status now says the same as your S’s… Hmmmm. My S applied within minutes of the application becoming avialable, is a rising sophomore, and his application status used to say “completed”, so I can not imagine him not getting housing. He is very excited about the guys he plans to room with next year… I sure hope they all get on campus housing. :frowning: Tuesday can not come fast enough.</p>

<p>ProudBamaMama, we are right with you. If my D doesn’t get it, then I have to assume that pretty much no non-housing scholarship returning students will get it as D also applied within about two minutes of the app actually being accessible. Nonetheless, I am planning a trip to T-Town the following week. We will either be looking for housing, or just enjoying a visit. Hopefully, the latter.</p>

<p>No need for alarm. It’s very likely they disabled sign-up after midnight last night by reverting to the coding of the older page. It will all be fine.</p>

<p>RTRMom2: My D’s application indicates the same as yours does. I don’t know why it changed but I am sure it will be okay.</p>

<p>^^ I like Class2012Mom’s explanation. Sounds very official. :)</p>

<p>I agree with Class2012Mom. That was my first thought.</p>

<p>Good point, Class2012Mom. :slight_smile: I am breathing easier now.</p>