campus jobs

<p>Does anyone know if it is still possible to get an on-campus job even if one doesn't qualify for work-study? If so, when does one apply?</p>

<p>Definitely- Res Halls even recruits you through their dorm info. There are many jobs on campus, nice because they know about prioritizing your academics. Check the UW website, it's a good thing to learn how to find things on it.</p>

<p>I'd love to get a job too to get some extra spending money. I probably need the responsibility to help keep me 100% on track.</p>

<p>I like how "shopaholic" is asking this.</p>

<p>why thank you!</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Computer-related jobs are usually better paid and more flexible. I used to work as lab consultant/admin in College Library, DoIT and academic departments. You don't need to be in CS/engineering major. So look at the job center listing and use the summer to pick up some of those skills.</p>

<p>ok.. when should I apply?.. spring?.. early summer?.. late summer?</p>

<p>Hmm... let me guess ... as soon as the job is posted .. and before someone is hired? :)</p>