<p>Is it safe to walk from Jester to the dorms up north in the dark? How about walking on the drag? The reason I ask is I study very very well in the library, but the library happens to be miles from my dorm room. I also have classes that end at 10 PM a few days per week. During orientation, it was mentioned that you could call some number and an escort would arrive to lead you to any location on campus...could anyone provide that number and do people actually use it?</p>
<p>Well, from what I know and what Iv’e heard, UT is always full of students so you don’t have to worry about being alone. Also, campus police are always around whenever you need help and they also have Emergency Polls where you can push the button for immediate help.</p>
<p>So other people will be walking around at the same time? That’s good. I haven’t seen any policemen around, but the Emergency Polls sound helpful. The day before yesterday I was walking along the campus side of the drag at about 7 AM, and there were so many homeless people on the streets, it was a bit scary. One even tried to speak to me! I come from a very safe suburb, haha, so I just wanted to be sure it was safe. :)</p>
<p>Well, at 7 AM I don’t expect to see too many students that early…LOL! DON’T give the homless people any money because if you do others will follow you as well.</p>
<p>Haha, I didn’t give him any money! It was still very scary, though. People didn’t show up on the streets until about 8 AM, so I guess you have a point.
Thanks! I guess I’ll just try walking back to my dorm one time and see if it’s safe and populated before I start worrying. :D</p>
<p>I’ve walked from Kins to Jester and Jester to Kins tons of times in the dark. It isn’t too scary and usually there are other people walking around, depending on the day and what time it is. Sometimes no one is around, sometimes they are. </p>
<p>I’d not walk on the drag side of Guadalupe late at night. I have been harassed while doing so. Talking is the least of your worries. Now I walk on the sidewalk adjacent to campus if I have to walk that way (I live in West Campus now). </p>
<p>“provide that number and do people actually use it?”</p>
<p>I doubt anyone uses it. I completely forgot about it. You are safer with a can of pepper spray and your phone out than some strange kid coming to walk you home. Just use common sense, program the UT police number in your phone, and walk where there is light, if you can.</p>
<p>Thanks, comiclover. What exactly was the UT police number? Unfortunately I didn’t bring pepper spray with me. And wow…strolling around West Campus in the dark is even more worrying, I didn’t consider that.</p>
<p>UT police is 512-471-4441</p>