Campus Visit

<p>I'm visiting UM on March 1st from out of state & I was hoping to sit in on a class, but both my state admissions counselor & UM admissions haven't responded to my emails (I assume that this is because it's EA decisions week). </p>

<p>Is there someone else I could contact about this? Also, anything else I should do while there?</p>

<p>I'm a junior btw.</p>

<p>Thanks folks! :-)</p>

<p>My son was told that they don’t set up class visits until after you are accepted. We visited once when he was a sophomore and once as a junior (open house). It wasn’t till he was a HS senior and had been accepted that they set up the classroom visit for him. Even though that’s all he asked for, they set up a whole day - meeting with department head, shadow a student, etc. He’s now a freshman at the U.</p>

<p>Not sure you can set it up through the school as a HS junior. Do you know any students? Maybe you could go to their classes?</p>

<p>We’re from out of state too, and my son was disappointed when he couldn’t sit in on a class before he was accepted. The other schools where he did that were a lot smaller (and a lot less popular). I think UM just has too many applicants to do this before students are accepted. Just my opinion.</p>

<p>Other than that, go to the info session, take a tour, walk around campus. You won’t be disappointed!</p>

<p>Thank you, I signed up for the tour & info session but was hoping for more. That’s disappointing but gives me an excuse to come back if I get accepted ;-)</p>