

<p>Is the campus on Conn Coll nice? I have been looking at Wesleayen, too, and I want to compare between the two. All the pictures look really nice. :)</p>

<p>I haven’t been to Wesleyan myself, but Conn Coll campus is amazing! The physical plant folks take very good care of the grounds. Pretty campus is one of the many things that Conn is known for =) if you have specific question, just ask!</p>

<p>Thank you. Would you say that Conn Coll gives good financial aid? Also, I have heard alot of things about the students, but would you say that they are diverse and generally nice?</p>

<p>I recently visited Conn with my daughter, who is a junior in HS. We really didn’t know too much about it, and were surprised by the quaintness of the campus…very pretty. Compared to Wes, the campus is more contained and quieter. Both colleges seemed friendly…we plan to go back in the spring to reassess.</p>

<p>The kids at Conn are very diverse. It depends on who you talk to in order to decide if they are generally nice. Every campus has its bad seeds.</p>

<p>Would you say that there is interaction among different ethnicities? My daughter is white, yet has a wide diversity of friends and would feel uncomfortable in a segregated-type campus. She is interested in East Asian studies.</p>

<p>Yeah Conn has a really generous fin aid program-I know of many people on a full ride and/or close to full ride (this is for both international and domestic btw)-and i think the stats on the fin aid page on the website shows that.
The school really wants diversity, and it seems like number of minority / intl students increase every year. There are so many cultural events (along with others) here and I love it!
and yea the school is known for being generally friendly =)
From personal experience… upperclassmen were extremely helpful in the first few weeks for me-people on my floor helped me decide on classes- (some really went out of their way) and strangers kindly pointed out where restroom/auditorium/gym is)
one of the things i said to everyone who asked “how’s college?” is how friendly everyone is at conn
there’s lots of interaction for people who would like to have it-I would definitely recommend applying to Knowlton House! There are plenty of Caucasians in cultural/international/minority related clubs-esp for east asians studies I know that a lot of non-asians are involved in it.</p>

<p>Thanks Morning_Glory for your response. My daughter is taking Japanese in HS ( now in her 3rd year) and loves the cultural aspects. She is active in the school’s Japanese Club, and I know she wants to continue doing this kind of activity in college.</p>

<p>I have another question for you, if you don’t mind…something that has been mentioned before…but it would be helpful to hear a more recent point of view. My daughter is concerned about the “preppy” factor of a campus; she is an artsy type girl and one of her joys is putting together various pieces of clothes to make a kind of unique look…sometimes it works, and well, sometimes it doesn’t(shhhh)! The point is that I know she needs to go to a school where she is free to create, and where she will not feel so out of place. Her personality is very sweet…she is really nothing of a rebel rouser and doesn’t seek a very “outspoken” community…but the clothes thing really matters to her and she doesn’t want to feel suppressed in that way.</p>

<p>I’m glad that I can help! there’s a club called CCASA and it’s for the asian and asian american students and anyone else interested in the culture-they put on events regarding culture/current affairs anything pertaining to asian culture. also there’s East Asian Studies Advisory Board which does similar things but pertaining more the the majors-they put on the asian lunar new year show every year.
Also I think this is new this year but there’s a group of students who try to bring more culture/events/speakers pertaining to respective culture/language-I don’t remember what it is called-anyway they have had photo contests/ethnic dinners etc.
Knowlton does a lot about culture too as I mentioned before they have movie showings and other events-they just had a rice ball(onigiri?) making contest
ATLAS is an org for international students and they have cultural events as well as support for intl students
and all these organizations work together usually to bring about events =)
so I think your daughter would have plenty of opportunities to get involved</p>

<p>I have heard about that when I was looking into ConnColl as an applicant-I’m not “preppy” really either but I get along fine (I don’t own a pair of uggs or anything from northface-not that those things define preppy)there are lot of “artsy” girls here as well (from my point of view anyway) there are girls who look like they are from a JCrew catalog but there are plenty of casually dressed people.
I have seen some (very)creative styles here-there aren’t that many but if she is confident/comfortable with it,I don’t think she will have a problem
Hope this helps! feel free to ask other questions! it’s new finals but I’ll try to answer asap =)</p>

<p>Thanks again, MG! We are looking forward to visiting the college in April, and I’ll report back. Good luck with your finals!!</p>