can 4 cs major advanced core courses be taken together with cs seminar or is it way too much ?

thinking of graduating by next year and want to get all my core classes complete as well as the cs seminar, so do you think its way too much or can it be attainable ?

Way too much for what? Sanity? probably.

Yeah, too much IMO. I would say 2 with seminar would be a good load, and 3 could be done if you have to but would be preferrable to avoid.

How many of the CS courses in question have programming assignments and projects? These would be high workload courses.

Operating Systems, software engineering, design and analysis of algorithms, and programming languages are the 4 advanced core courses, Would those be too hard to take in one semester ?

At my school, very much so. Those are 4 key classes. Don’t take more than two as said before IMO.

Okay so the 2 and seminar right ? I also need 4 cs electives, so maybe the 2 core classes and 2 electives for each semester, would that do ? Lmao I just realllllly want to graduate next semester, its my graduation year…!


I don’t think 2 CS electives would work either unless they were both very little work. I think the reality is that graduating next semester doesn’t seem to be a reality - especially if you are yet to talk those 4 classes you listed - at least two and IMO 3 are crucial to doing anything in CS beyond basic coding.

Operating systems and software engineering will be two high workload courses. Algorithms will be lower workload, like a math course, though some students may find it intellectually difficult (how did you like discrete math?). Programming languages depends… will they make you write a compiler in that course?

@PengsPhils um I said next year lol, not next semester, I would die lol. @ucbalumnus how about cs seminar, are they like doing mostly projects or less work load ? And OMG i HATED discrete math please don’t tell me algorithms would be like that discrete math course ?


Seminar shouldn’t be much work - it’s less credits, correct? At my school its a 1 credit class.

@PengsPhils okay well I meant the year after next semester, and really!? omg ours is 3 credits, so im guessing more projects & stuff ?

Btw im taking digital logic and data structure next semester, how hard is data structre lol ?

Data structures is a class that lots of people seem to have problems with. It was a million years ago, and my one class doesn’t exemplify all data structures classes, but when I took it anything over 40% was an A.

@simba9 if you could remember the hardest thing about it ?

Data Structures really depends on the university. At my school, it’s a bit of a weeder class too but I didn’t find it that hard when I took it my freshman year. It’s just a lot of work and a lot of material. I can see how it would be difficult if you weren’t familiar enough with the programming language used (I had been programming in java for 4 years already). I’m a student grader for the CS department at my university and have graded both Data Structures and Intro to Computing. The most common mistakes in data structures seem to be related to syntax, recursion, and some of the more complex tasks related to some structures (such as removing certain elements from linked lists and binary trees).

@guineagirl96 is it a lot of discrete math ? please say no

Data Structures? No. There’s not much math involved except algebra and logs for when you learn Big O, and then your basic change of bases and basic math. At least, that’s the way my university teaches it.

@guineagirl96 okay thank god, how about digital logic ? Have you taken that yet ?