Can a essay do this?

<p>Can a well written essay really make a school accept you even if your are on the lower end of the test score range? Anyone with have this happen to them or knows someone with similar situation. I'm mainly talking about top schools like Duke, UVa, Penn, Rice, Carnegie Mellon, etc. Thanks a lot. The help is greatly appreciated</p>

<p>I think that an essay can def shine a positive light on your application but only if you have stats that are somewhat similar to those of other people (say a lil bit on the low end). I’m kind of in the same boat as you, though, given how my midyear report’s gonna be, but hey, apply and see what happens. Redo the SAT if you think it’ll make a difference. You never know.</p>

<p>I’ve taken the sat 3 times and for most of the schools, the sat deadline is around january 1. Do you think they will still look at my score even the deadline passed?</p>

<p>I like what the Bowdoin admissions officer said: </p>

<p>Essays can kill you but can’t raise you from the dead</p>

<p>Fo shizzle. Just send your scores now, and notify them later if your scores improve. If not, they never have to know a thing. Btw applications won’t start getting read until Feb so chances are they won’t see your file til later.</p>

<p>Anyone else with some thoughts?</p>

<p>test score ranges have a low end obviously because some people with lower test scores got in. These people most likely got in due to good grades or good essays and i’m willing to bet most of them at least had good essays. Essays tell the adcoms about you as an individual. Everything else is just a list of numbers.</p>

<p>Thanks nooob. Anyone else with some opinions or thoughts.</p>

<p>I was wondering the same thing, but instead of low test scores, can you have good test scores, but a relatively low GPA with great essays?</p>

<p>I’m also in the same predicament, I’ve read that if the essay really focuses on how you are as a person, don’t sound like you’re making stuff up to look good. Read the stickies because they got some good info</p>

<p>Oh, and anyone with experience can you refer to this thread?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I guess it also depends on how much emphasis the adcoms places on the essay. Some ‘rank’ it as important, very impotant, considered, etc. lol. it is most likely as important or very important.</p>

<p>But I think your essays are very important for them to determine how you’d contribute to their college. It is especially important if they want to diversify their student body. Just my opinion!</p>

<p>Any other opinions?</p>

<p>yeah i think its important to make the adcoms LIKE you, not just impress them. You could write a whole essay about your test scores and achievements but another tipping factor is how much they think they like you. If you come off as snobbish clearly that’s not good, but if you come off as modest and respectable that’s always a plus for your application, right?</p>

<p>Are we test scores or are we worth our achievements? I think not. I don’t think that the personal essay is the place to bolster our credentials further. But you should tell abt your achievements only if you are able to personally connect it with yourself.</p>

<p>class09colllege: you keep asking for more opinions so all you’ll get are more opinions. Some you like, some you don’t like.</p>

<p>Your question can’t be answered in a vacuum. What types of schools are you targeting? The top tier schools will have 1000s of applicants w/compelling essays AND great stats. Obviously at those, you’re at a severe disadvantage unless your essay is one of the top one or two most memorable submitted this season.</p>

<p>At many schools, the essays don’t mean all that much and your academic potential will be most weighted (stats, teacher recs). For those, if you meet their formulations, you’ll get in, if not, then maybe not.</p>

<p>But test scores are only one indicator. Hopefully your GPA and transcript show lots of potential. Good luck toyou</p>