Can a GPA make up an SAT?

If my SAT is a 1240, but my GPA is a 4.0 in all AP courses, can that ever make up an SAT?

I am retaking in December and just hope for a 1350+…

I want to go to a Ivy League or maybe UP, UVa, or UNC…

All comments appropriate. :slight_smile:

<p>Unless you are a urm/legacy/recruited athlete or have highly unusual ECs, you'll need a high GPA and 1450 plus SAT to have a decent shot at an ivy. Try the 10 Real SAT book. Good luck!</p>

<p>That may not necessarily be true because at the ivy level the student s looked at holistically. Most schools will state that they have no minimum or cut-off scores. The sat score is only one aspect of the application. Schools are looking to build a class, and what they are looking for in that class changes from year to year. In addition, the SAT scores are looked at in content of what the student has available to them. </p>

<p>For example a student with a 1240 at a low performing school, where not many kids go to college, who may be a first generation person, of dirt parents who are not college educated, but has stellar grades, essays and EC's will be looked upon differently than a wealthy kid from a private prep school with parents who are both college graduates/professional school. </p>

<p>A student may be stellar but sometimes suffer from test anxiety. You are in a better position to have stellar grades (the best predictor of future behavior is relevant past behavior) and a slightly lower SAT than to have hight SAT scores and lower grades. All in all the ivy's are a crap shoot for everyone. If you don't apply you have a 100% chance of not being admitted. Also have matches and safetys (both academic and financial) to fall back on.</p>

<p>What is the worse thing that can happen, the school rejects you, but they will not invite you to campus to throw stones at you.</p>

<p>Keep your head up...</p>

<p>alll the best</p>

<p>The only reason SATs are even looked at is because they are a predictor of success in college....but they are actually a relatively poor predictor. It is well known that your GPA and difficulty of course load is the best indicator of success in college...much better than SAT scores. For this reason, GPA is far more important for most colleges.</p>

<p>Although there are no hard and fast SAT cutoffs, 1240 seems like a low SAT for an Ivy league applicant. It will have to be balanced by a hook that is very very big--URM status, recruited athlete, rich parents, Academy award winner, etc. Great grades won't be enough to balance it. Good luck on the retest.</p>

<p>If you are in state for NC or UVa, you have a very good chance of admission; in fact, you are not even low for instate residents at either of those; out of state will be more difficult. I don't know what you mean by UP since it could refer to more than one college. Having a high GPA and 1240 SAT does not mean automatic rejection at the ivies. Nevertheless, you should realize that the majority of the applicants are going to have something close to that GPA and higher SAT's. In other words, it is worth the try but just consider your odds to be lower than those with higher scores (and their odds are only 1 in 8 or 9 to begin with). If your SAT II's are also low, your odds are even worse.</p>

<p>GPA is definitely a better indicator of how well you will do in college. The SAT is, to some degree, an challenge of wits. Do you have a good vocab? Can you perform under pressure? Do you take a lot of time to do things, or are you fast? In that way, I think it is important. A high GPA and low SAT usually means you take your time to do things, and put a lot of effort and quality into your work. High SAT and low GPA usually means the opposite. You have potential but don't make use of it. You don't have good time management skills. It's a generalization, but usually true, I think.</p>