can an OOS student redomicile in Virginia without moving his family over?

<p>The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced I don't ever want to return to supposed legal home state as a resident. I've been doing some preliminary research on claiming domicile in Virginia, and although I definitely don't have any ties right now, my current plan is to work and live here -- no going back, ever. In the very least, spending all four summers here (where there are actually research and decent student work opportunities, and where the state government doesn't seem to actively suppress economic development) seems way more attractive than going back to oil tanks, paper/logging mills and basement apartments.</p>

<p>Is there a currently OOS student can do communicate that he/she plans to settle in permanently? Beyond uh .... moving parents and buying a home? I suppose this "dependent" status is sort of working against me, but I'm also attempting to work towards financial self-sufficiency.</p>

<p>I mean not paying OOS rates is a secondary factor for why I would choose to domicile. With FA and loans they're not very taxing, but I've been thinking that if I intend to settle around here anyway I might as well at least try to start tackling post-graduation debt burden right now. But basically what's happened is that I've fallen in love with your state, and I've realised what an absolute cultural and economic quagmire my "home" state was.</p>

<p>Contact the Office of Virginia Status. Call 2-3200 and we’ll connect you.</p>



<p>Amen. Virginia kicks Maine’s butt any day. ;)</p>

<p>Most definitely, Maine is good for seafood, anything else…</p>