<p>Hey everyone! I'm trying to navigate the cheapest way from BWI to campus for Spring Open House on the 14th. Right now I'm thinking of taking light rail and then transferring to local bus 27, which seems to go the closest to Mason Hall. The problem is, I don't know what stop I'm supposed to get off at. Is there a bus stop near Mason Hall that 27 services?
Here's bus 27's map: <a href="http://mta.maryland.gov/services/bus/routes/bus/27_schedule.pdf%5B/url%5D">http://mta.maryland.gov/services/bus/routes/bus/27_schedule.pdf</a>
And here's light rail's map: <a href="http://mta.maryland.gov/services/lightrail/schedule/Light_Rail_09.pdf%5B/url%5D">http://mta.maryland.gov/services/lightrail/schedule/Light_Rail_09.pdf</a>
(I'm thinking I'll transfer at Cultural Center, Howard @ Preston St?)
Thanks for any help!</p>
<p>Hi canaryk!</p>
<p>I’m sorry for not getting back to you sooner! :-)</p>
<p>The best way to get to Hopkins is actually pretty simple and cheap. There’s just a few key steps to follow!
- Take the BWI shuttle to the BWI/MARC train station (NOT the light rail)–> FREE
- Take the Marc Train heading NORTH to Baltimore Penn Station (remember, not the one to DC!)–> $4 (avoid Amtrak, which will cost you more)
- When you get to Penn Station, go out the main entrance and to the center island-thing where the hideous modern-art statue stands and get to the side facing Charles Street. That would be the side that is to your right after leaving the main entrance/exit. There, you will see a collegetown shuttle/bus sign where the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions shuttle will ALSO stop. Wait for this shuttle and take a FREE ride to Hopkins. (Remember, this bus usually has a logo affiliated with the university, says JOHNS HOPKINS, or will just be a white bus that DOES NOT read MTA or Baltimore). Depending on whether this bus is local or express, it will either make two tiny stops before stopping in front of Charles Commons, or no stops before Charles Commons. In either case, wait to see a huge 12-story red-brick building to your right before exiting the bus
Again, this ride is free, and as long as you look like a college student/ not-shady, you will be able to get on free of hassle :D</p>
<p>If this last step seems to be too much of a trouble, I would suggest just taking one of the many taxis outside of PENN station to the JHU HOMEWOOD campus at 3400 N. Charles st. (be sure to stress this!). It will cost you around $6, which isn’t too bad in the scheme of everything :)</p>
<p>Anyways best of luck! we all look forward to having you here :D</p>
<p>Just wanted to chime in and agree with what Hope2getrice posted. While you can take the light rail and save a few bucks over the MARC, the light rail is slow and will require you to walk a bit from the last stop to Penn station to catch the Hopkins shuttle</p>
<p>Yup, they’ve got it covered.</p>
<p>If you are more of a plan-ahead kind of person, you can check the MARC schedule at mtamaryland.com. You can also google “JHMI schedule” and a shuttle schedule will come up. You want the JHMI - Homewood route (bottom of the page). Usually you add a couple minutes to the scheduled time when you’re at Penn Station, so don’t freak out if it’s a little late – the shuttles are very reliable.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Light rail BWI to Penn Station
Free JHMI Shuttle at Penn Station to Campus.</p>
<p>Thanks, I had no clue there was a Hopkins shuttle! So much easier than messing with regular buses ahah. I don’t know what I would do without this site.</p>
<p>(and I’ll see you there, I think, Hope2getrice! I’m excited :))</p>
<p>taxi. baltimore’s buses have rarely been on time.</p>
<p>Don’t know about now, but in the past, the JHU shuttle didn’t run after 8 or 9 pm, so it’s a good suggestion above to google the schedule. Good luck.</p>
<p>My flight gets in just before 3PM, so there’s a bus, I already checked
(I am the neurotic plan-ahead type when it comes to stuff like this, I just get lost really really easily haha)</p>
<p>Jimmy, how late are they usually? I won’t be in a rush or anything, but if it’s completely off schedule that might be kind of confusing…</p>
<p>You’ll be fine. They come every 30 mins or so until like 7 and then every hour until 1130pm.</p>
<p>[JHMI</a> to Homewood Shuttle](<a href=“http://www.parking.jhu.edu/shuttles_jhmi_homewood.html]JHMI”>http://www.parking.jhu.edu/shuttles_jhmi_homewood.html)</p>
<p>As mentioned above: exit the station, wait at the stop on your right and it’ll drop you off at 33rd and North Charles:</p>
<p>[Baltimore</a> Penn Station to N Charles St & E 33rd St, Baltimore, MD 21218 - Google Maps](<a href=“http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=1515+N+Charles+St,+Baltimore,+MD+21201+(Baltimore+Penn+Station)&daddr=33rd+st.+and+North+Charles,+Baltimore+MD&hl=en&geocode=FZDIVwIdgPBu-yHUl0DW1nansQ%3BFfwYWAIdUuhu-ylpbDkM4ATIiTE88JsxQyQYdQ&mra=pe&mrcr=0&sll=39.323883,-76.628648&sspn=0.063741,0.104628&ie=UTF8&z=15]Baltimore”>http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=1515+N+Charles+St,+Baltimore,+MD+21201+(Baltimore+Penn+Station)&daddr=33rd+st.+and+North+Charles,+Baltimore+MD&hl=en&geocode=FZDIVwIdgPBu-yHUl0DW1nansQ%3BFfwYWAIdUuhu-ylpbDkM4ATIiTE88JsxQyQYdQ&mra=pe&mrcr=0&sll=39.323883,-76.628648&sspn=0.063741,0.104628&ie=UTF8&z=15)</p>
<p>If you get lost, just call 410-516-7777 which is Johns Hopkins Security and they’ll help you out. Have an amazing visit!!!</p>
<p>Do NOT take a taxi. That is easily the worst waste of $40+.</p>
<p>Like I said before, catch the free BWI/MARC shuttle outside of the airport entrance (ask if you need help!) and go to Penn Station where a free Hopkins shuttle will be there every 15-30 min (depends on time of day).</p>
<p>Also, do NOT take the light rail. As someone who is new to Baltimore, things could get confusing. It’s best if you are less confused as this is your first time :)</p>