Can anybody read/correct my college essay?

<p>I wrote about a random memory as a journal...and tried to fix it into an essay about me. I'm not sure if I succeeded but I'm certain my style of writing (runons, listing random stuff to show extent of my random memory) is only understandable by me. So I'd appreciate any help because it is desperately needed :)</p>

<p>Please pm me!!</p>

<p>Also, can anybody read my why Brown/why doctor/why 8year med program shorter essays?? The only thing I am confident about in my writing is my honesty but...trying to explain what I feel with words somewhat...clouded? that. I just need somebody to tell me if sounds honest or like BS...</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>bump help please~~!!</p>

<p>Yea, sure I can help edit your essays!</p>

<p>Sure PM it to me, but in return can you read and edit mine :)</p>

<p>Hey, I can edit your essay</p>