<p>It appears I will be without assignment or lease late into december, and was wondering if anyone could comment on how "last minute off campus housing" looks? I was walking around today and saw all these signs for housing in prvately owned/managed apartments (i.e. Nupac, FirstChoice Housing, etc). Do they usually have places availabe Jan 5th (days before the semester)? Will they adjust rates by then? Or do they typically fill up to people like me who think they can get housing that late. I'm still awaiting an assignment (ANYTHING at least so I know what my options are) and I haven't found a place I felt comfortably signing a lease to. Anyone with any input? Perhaps you've gone through this or know someone who has?</p>
I can’t really comment too much on the privately owned buildings because I’ve never had to deal with them personally, but chances are that spots would still be available, but these spots are most likely less desirable and that is why they are open. They also most likely won’t lower their rates because they people who signed leases earlier would complain. Also a downside of the privately owned building is that they make you lease the spot through the summer and if you don’t plan to stay in LA you are stuck with a lease that is very hard to get rid of.</p>