<p>Okay, here is a somewhat biased view of the Claremont colleges, particularly the CMC/Pomona debate. I can also give you my two cents on Pitzer, Harvey, and Scripps, despite knowing less about those.</p>
<p>Pomona is sometimes considered the most “traditional,” or arguably the most “elite” of the Claremont schools because it is the oldest, highest ranked, largest, and kind of the “foundation” (straight up quote from a Pomona rep at a college fair) of the Claremont schools. It is known to be a bit harder to get into than CMC, and might have a marginally better rep. And thus, the stereotype of “snobby” Pomona students is born: my good friend (a frosh at CMC) says that Pomona students are much less laid-back than other Claremont students, more concerned about school, have elitist attitudes sometimes, and don’t throw as good parties as the other schools.</p>
<p>Additionally I have heard that more Pomona students go to grad school, whereas CMC students tend to go straight into the business world. Again, this stereotype is probably broken a thousand times each year, but this is what I’ve heard. Apparently CMC is “on the rise” in the Claremont schools (though all 5 are getting more and more exclusive each year), with its acceptance rate shrinking and its reputation becoming more and more renowned. Again… don’t quote me on this! It’s all word of mouth.</p>
<p>My boyfriend’s brother is a senior at Pitzer, and loves it. I haven’t heard nearly as much about it, but as far as I know Pitzer is a bit easier to get into, and has a very “change-the-world” tone on its campus… generalizing again here, but I’ve heard “hippie-ish” thrown around to describe Pitzer quite a few times (not in a derogatory tone)—very liberal. For the record, my boyfriend’s brother has a mohawk and is a bit of a pothead. HOWEVER, there are these types at every college, I’m sure at least a couple at each of the Claremonts at well. </p>
<p>I don’t know if you’ve heard these before, but there was a Scooby Doo stereotype assigned to each school. If you’re curious about these, or just for a lot of better-informed info about the schools haha, check out this discussion: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/pomona-college/1453-relations-other-claremont-colleges.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/pomona-college/1453-relations-other-claremont-colleges.html</a></p>
<p>All I know about Harvey Mudd is that it’s really science/math based, and comes with an excellent education. I’ve heard also that it’s kind of like Caltech but less intense, with people interested in engineering/the sciences but who also like to party (perfectly fits my best friend’s brother who applied ED for class of '12). Scripps is also an excellent school, seems to be a bit like Pitzer from what I heard, with feminist undertones AND easy access to guys through other Claremont colleges. A bit easier to get into than CMC/Pomona, but honestly all 5 offer great academics from what I’ve heard.</p>