Can anyone give me info on Columbia College Chicago(film program, honors program & academics)?

<p>Hello everyone,
So I've been accepted into Columbia College Chicago's film program. I applied to CCC as safety school with my heart set on Emerson or Boston U. While I did get accepted into both, I simply won't be able to afford either school without taking out a considerable amount of loans especially if I decide upon Boston U. At CCC however I wouldn't have to pay for anything (full ride) so I was just wondering if anyone can give me information on a few things regarding CCC. You don't have to answer all questions but please answer!
1. How is the honors program? I've been accepted into it but don't really know what to expect from it.
2. How is the college academically? I realize that CCC is a "artsy" school but I still would like to be pushed a little academically.
3. How is the good is the film program and teachers? Is the equipment up to date? How are the facilities?
4. Are there a lot of opportunities(internships)/connections for film students?
5. This has nothing to do with the school but how is Chicago? I know its considered old hollywood so I was just curious if there are actually still lots of productions being made in Chicago. Would you say Chicago has more opportunities than Florida for film? I ask because Florida is where I live currently.
Thank you to anyone who answers! </p>

<p>My son is a CCC alum who dated a film major while he was there. She actively sought out opportunities while at school and shot a number of indie projects…is now working in the business in LA. Like a lot of things, I imagine the experience reflects how much you put into it. Certainly there are a lot of TV shows being filmed in Chicago at the moment, and probably movies too. </p>

<p>Academically, there are some really tough classes and some not-so-challenging ones, especially at the intro level. In my son’s program (audio arts and acoustics), the first year was a weed-out year and those who survived were on their way to professional success. He made it a point to get involved professionally from day 1 (even volunteering if need be) and now has worked in his field since graduating. </p>

<p>And congrats on the full ride! That’s a real motivator!</p>

<li>How is the honors program? I’ve been accepted into it but don’t really know what to expect from it.</li>

<p>Honors courses are all in the general education departments. To finish the program you need a 3.5 GPA or higher and you take five course that have the Honors distinction. Those courses are limited to students with that 3.5. There is some outside programming and opportunities for the Honors Program students. Look at the course schedule for Honors courses and see if you like them. + See its site: <a href=“Page Not Found - Columbia College Chicago”>Page Not Found - Columbia College Chicago. </p>

<li>How is the college academically? I realize that CCC is a “artsy” school but I still would like to be pushed a little academically. </li>

<p>Columbia is also a “generous admissions” school.You will encounter vast variety. As you move up in your program, the strong survive (in a good way). </p>

<li>How is the good is the film program and teachers? Is the equipment up to date? How are the facilities?</li>

<p>Well, you need to consider or develop your sense of expectations and needs, then check if the school can deliver. Have you had the chance to do so? That school seems pretty tricked out to me, but my field is not film-making.</p>

<li>Are there a lot of opportunities(internships)/connections for film students?</li>

<p>Yes. You’ll need to develop your skills, etc., as well as your reputation in your film community for them to pay off. There’s also Semester in LA. </p>

<li>This has nothing to do with the school but how is Chicago? I know its considered old hollywood so I was just curious if there are actually still lots of productions being made in Chicago. Would you say Chicago has more opportunities than Florida for film? I ask because Florida is where I live currently.</li>

<p>Check the Illinois Film Office and Chicago Film Office for that info. Call them up and chat. Seems like there’s always something, plus commercials. But, my info is likely out of date. Also, check the local industry online mag, ReelChicago: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;. </p>

<p>Sorry to bump this thread, but I hope you can answer: How were you able to attend Columbia on a full scholarship? What were your stats, accomplishments, etc.? I’m considering attending the school, but I’m worried about finances. Thank you. </p>

Siminim, I want to know too. My son got an incredible mailer accepting him into honors program at ccc and he applied by jan 15 for merit scholarships, but so far no idea what the financial aid will be like. Apparently no $ attached to honors program necessarily. My S has 33 ACT and a high SAT too. 3.85 GPA weighted for honors. @dyiu13‌ when did you find out about your full ride?

^ Ashweb, your son and I have similar stats. I applied before the January 15 deadline (although I was notified that my application was reviewed after that date), and was accepted into the honors program as well. I have a 31 ACT and a 2000 SAT and a ~3.8 GPA. I read that their average aid, if I remember correctly, is around $8,000. Doesn’t seem like a whole lot. I guess we won’t know for sure until FAFSA is complete and CCC sends out their award letters.