Can anyone help me remember the name of a USC summer program I read about?

I remember reading about a summer program at USC (California), and it was about international environmental or ethical or public policy concerns (I can’t remember exactly – only that I thought my daughter would find it interesting and these topics interest her). It’s a competitive, short program (like one week? ten days?), and it’s sponsored by a grant of some sort.
I read about it, and thought it sounded interesting and now it’s driving me nuts that I can’t find it via google.
Does anyone have any idea what I’m talking about?


No…these are their standard summer courses (at least from what I could tell by clicking around). That’s my problem…I can’t seem to find this program, which is not (apparently) a standard summer class.

@CADREAMIN does this sound familiar to you?

It sounds like the pre-college program of international relations….but I think they are saying it’s not that. Hmmmm will ponder. The description is here:

Are you considering a career in diplomacy, law, conflict resolution, humanitarian aid, environmental protection, human rights, or politics?

In the “International Relations” course, you will examine the causes of war and what constitutes successful conflict resolution. You will examine the different stages of conflict and then apply them to the areas of the globe that have experienced war and violence. The course also allows you to study the economic causes of conflict and explore the role of individuals, popular culture, peace initiatives, governments, and international organizations. Throughout, you will develop a case study of a real conflict in the world, examining its causes and proposing a peace agreement and suggestions to resolve the conflict.

Thanks so much for the idea. The one I’m thinking of is a one-week program though, with no tuition (covered by a grant.) So a competitive process to be selected. It wasn’t called a “course” if I recall correctly. Maybe it was an “internship” or “fellowship” or other name. And if I recall it said they selected 40 students a year.
(I’ve tried googling all these things with no luck!)

Did you try looking at the Twitter or Instagram pages of the different departments? I usually see the shorter summer opportunities posted there.

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oh that’s a great idea. thanks!!