Can anyone here explain what’s going on with me here?

I’ve noticed that my walking, moving, and typing speeds are gradually slowing down. I’ve been waking up around 10-15 minutes later than I normally do, and I don’t find myself smiling around as much. I tend to spend more of time lost in my phone than rush straight to homework. I’ve been talking less in classes that don’t dock me for doing so, and I’ve just become detached from my colleagues overall. Is this unusual?

Assuming that you are a high school or university student, I would suggest that you talk to a counselor at your school. They are there to help students who have questions such at this one.

Not unusual. May be a sign that you are trying to escape/avoid your schoolwork, relationships, or responsibilities. Please go your campus counseling center to discuss this before you spiral downward further.

Can be as simple as not enough sleep, but it’s hard to say more without knowing more details, so it’s a good idea to go talk to a counselor.

I agree with others. Good for you to notice this about yourself.

I would also see a regular doctor about this…could be physical as well.