<p>I found his stats from another thread, and am posting them below.</p>
<p>If you're serious about going to college away from home, you need to apply to places where you're likely to get merit aid. Not one of the private colleges on your list does that.</p>
<p>Places that you would need to add to your list are merit-heavy colleges like: Washington University (if you haven't missed the merit scholarship deadlines already), University of Michigan, American University, University of Wisconsin, Davidson, Rhodes, University of Minnesota, Vanderbilt and Wake Forest. Those are just some that come to mind off the top of my head. Some like Vandy are reaches. Check the merit aid thread pinned to the top of the Parents Forum for other possibilities.</p>
<p>Since it doesn't appear that you'll get the amount of money that you'd need from your parents to swing a $40,000+ annual college bill, you might as well drop off your list the colleges that don't offer merit aid. Before deciding to apply some place, check their merit aid section of their web pages, and also Google and use CC and the college's web site to find out info about students who got the college's merit aid so you can see how you stack up.</p>
<p>Your SATs are not impressive particularly for someone who comes from such a highly educated background. I don't think that Boston College is a match for you. The possibilities of your getting their limited merit aid also probably are remote.</p>
<p>Also, what kind of Hispanic you are matters. The most desireable ones are Mexican and Puerto Rican because those are the most numerous Hispanics in the U.S., but have very low rates of going to college.</p>
<p>Your class rank also is very low for someone who comes from a highly educated affluent (particularly by your region's standards) familly who lives in a poor region of the country. </p>
<p>"BIGGEST REACHES [i'd love goin to any of these places]
-brown [hey i can dream]
<p>MATCHES [good schools but would rather go elsewhere]
-george washington university
-boston college</p>
<p>SAFETY [love this school]
-university of texas - austin</p>
<p>and heres all the stats copy/pasted from one of my other threads:</p>
<p>class rank: 25/450
-GPA: about 89 unweighted, 4.0 weighted.
-grades have had an upward trend since freshman year [rank has climbed from 49 to 25].
-international baccaluareate diploma candidate since my junior year.</p>
<p>-junior year classes: IB Psychology HL year 1, IB History of the Americas, IB English HL year 1, Algebra 2 Pre-AP [i'm terrible at math], Constitution Team [counted as AP Government], IB Chemistry SL, Spanish 3.</p>
<p>-senior year classes: IB Psychology HL year 2, IB World History, IB English HL year 2, IB Math Studies SL, IB Spanish SL [taken a spanish every year], IB Theory of Knowledge, AP Economics</p>
<p>-i have 1 C on my transcript...in spanish.</p>
<p>-SAT: 1790 with no prep. but i've been studyin and my scores are jumping dramatically on the practice tests...hoping to have at least a 2000. no SAT II's yet.</p>
<p>stuff in my advantage:
-i'm from what is perhaps the poorest region in the United States, once referred to as the 'third world country' of the US by some national acclaimed magazine. i think its alright though. haha.</p>
<p>extracurriculars...just the ones that i think will matter the most:</p>
<p>-Heavily involved in the National Hispanic Institute's Young Leaders Conference...basically, its a competition where high school freshman go and debate about issues important to the Latino Community. before the competition, there are about 2-3 months to prepare. when i competed i got 2nd at the state competition and 1st at nationals. since then i've put 2,500+ plus in helping to prepare hs freshmen, my official title being the sole Director of Mock Trial for the Rio Grande Valley Young Leader's Conference. i'm very passionate about this.</p>
<p>-Co-founded and holds position of Director of Public Relations in the non profit corporation F.R.I.D.A. its aimed at giving 4th-7th graders a true comprehension of community and culture, and how they can have a say in it. art is used as an expressive outlet. i actually started this with a friend of mine that is already attending tufts.</p>
<p>-won national debate tournament sophomore year.</p>
<p>-i have a lot more extracurrics/awards/etc but i dont want to make this too long, go here if youre interested: <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/...d.php?t=237590%5B/url%5D">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/...d.php?t=237590</a> "</p>