Can counsellor write a recommendation letter too? Help!!!

I’m from India, and I don’t have a school counselor. My English teacher, who is also my class teacher, agreed to be the counselor. I also approached my chemistry teacher, she also agreed to write a rec letter. So now I have 2 rec letters from my english teacher/counselor and one from my chem teacher. I invited my counselor, she got the mail and created an account. But it seems that colleges required 2 rec letters in addition to the counselor rec letters. I’ve made a mistake. Would it be okay if 2 same rec letters were submitted by my english teacher, one from my chem teacher, and I explain about it in the additional info part of the common app? I don’t really have any options now.

Can you find a third teacher for a recommendation. If they are asking for three, two from the same person probably isn’ t ideal.

If not, be sure to explain the circumstances, and ask your teacher to address experiences with you from two different perspectives. Two nearly identical letters wouldn’t help.

I got one from another teacher. Whew!