Can current Aggiesss answer questions?

<p>How's the food?
How's the campus?
How's the dorms?
Is it really that conservative?
Are their gay people? Is the scene active?
Overall feel of the nightlife?
***** Answer in detail if you can*****</p>



<p>not current;but I’ve visited a couple times and know people going so:</p>

<p>1) depends how much you like eating chick-fil-a. it’s decent, infinitely better than UT Jester West cafeteria food</p>

<p>2) really nice, honestly. more spread out than urban campuses, a lot of commons/lawn area/places to hang hammocks</p>

<p>3) depends which dorm. hullabaloo was like a castle, but there are definitely some on the lower end as well.</p>

<p>4) yes. it’s obviously one of the most conservative in the nation, but I’m an atheist liberal and I don’t feel like I’ll have any issues there, everyone’s pretty chill in general</p>

<p>5) yeah I’m sure there are at least a couple on a 50k campus. it’s not really known for being gay-friendly though</p>

<p>Thank you very much </p>

<p>current student here:
How’s the food?
Not very good (in the dorms at least) Sbisa is great, panda and Revs are great at the MSC, many options I havent done yet though…
How’s the campus?
How’s the dorms?
Some are kinda old, they have learning community centers which are nice (same major as you and stuff)
Is it really that conservative?
Pretty much (more liberals now than ever though)
Are their gay people? Is the scene active?
I’ve seen like 2, there’s lots of clubs for them but I never see anyone visiting the booths for them
Overall feel of the nightlife?
Amazing, so so so much to do all the time.
***** Answer in detail if you can*****</p>

<p>Thank you so much </p>