Can I apply GED to high school in Austria?

Hello, I‘m a highschool student from Thailand. So I want to study in Austria, and I have known that we can’t apply ged to college. But I‘m in grade10 so I want to submit ged to enter high school in Austria. I want to know that can I do that? Thank you :pray:t2:

Ged = ?

Why Austria -are you fluent in German ? If so why not include High schools in Switzerland and Germany?

Because I want to live in Austria with my aunt.

Can you answer the other questions?

Is your aunt sponsoring you?
Did your parents agree?

Yes ofc she will support me, and my parents already agree. // If you have any advice on studying in Austria, you can tell me. Thanks😊

I’m a bit confused….you want to enter high school? Where are you attending high school now?

What is this GED that you are referring to?

In the US a GED is a diploma that adults can get if they haven’t graduated from high school the traditional way. For example, if someone drops out of high school at 16 and then decides years later that they really want a high school diploma, they can study to get a GED. The GED is generally considered the same as a high school diploma for purposes of applying to colleges and jobs.

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Hello,I’m studying in Thailand,in grade10.
If I’m going to study at high school in Austria, it can’t be done. I had to go to middle school instead. That’s why I wonder if it is possible to apply for a GED to enter high school in Austria.

I hope I’m not muddying the waters, but perhaps one of these sites may provide information or at least suggestions for resources.

Our family did similar research when considering a move many years ago (different country). We also met with contacts in the consulate to understand our options.

Your situation may be different if your aunt is an Austrian citizen and acting as your guardian. Language proficiency will also determine options. Our kid was conversational in the native language where we considered moving, but that country also provided good options for English speaking students.

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Thank you🙏🏻

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Typically you would live with your aunt and learn enough German to start 10th grade in Austria by registering for German courses. To determine which type of Grade 10 (academic, technical…) your Thai curriculum and grades would be examined so you would need syllabi for your Grade 9&10 courses translated into German.
In order to have a better shot at strong study options (v. Vocational paths) it’s customary to go back one year or repeat (so if you’re in Grade 10 for you to do Austrian grade 9 or 10) to improve fluency and facilitate socialization. In addition, 9th or 10th grade can be a pivot year: you could be in Gymnasium (preparing for university, engineering, medicine…) or MittelSchule (…I think that’s thr name? :grimacing:) with possible transfer to Gymansium or preparation for applied studies. Hauptschule prepares for short, vocational training only. Sometimes new arrivals are automatically placed there so you want to make sure you have those translated syllabi.
If you followed an MYP/IB or iGCSE curriculum it’s easier to estimate.

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