Can I apply though early action after being enrolled

I will be enrolled to a college in China this fall, can I still apply as a freshman now?

I know that I have to apply for transfer if I have enough credit, but can I send application first and choose to withdraw from my current college if a better one accepts me

You will be applying for Fall 2024, by which time you will have completed a whole year of college. IMO you’ll be a transfer applicant, not a freshman applicant. But there may be exceptions I’m not aware of.

Tagging @MYOS1634 who’s familiar with international applicants.

Most U.S. schools (other than those with rolling admissions) won’t provide you a decision until December or January, if you apply early action. And at schools where you apply regular decision, you won’t hear back until March.

maybe I can get a gap year, will it make any difference?

Yes you can take a gap year, but make sure you spend the year well.

Are you seeking financial aid? If so, your chances of acceptance at a US school will unfortunately be extremely low (mainly because the few schools that meet full need for international applicants are all extremely competitive).

If I take a gap year or plans to take a gap year and delay the time of enrollment, I’m not going to complete a whole year by fall 2024. Does it means that I can apply as a freshman?

Yes, that’s what I meant. If you don’t start college anywhere and take a gap year instead, you can apply as a freshman.

If you attend even a part year of college you may be considered a transfer. Look at the rules for each school you are considering.

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thanks.I’ll concider it.

You cannot attend college (take classes for credit etc) and apply as a freshman, with few exceptions.
If your country requires you to be registered somewhere in order to be “recognized”, " have a card", “have health coverage” that’s okay as long as it’s purely administrative.
You can take non credit community classes (say, you volunteer in Uulan Baatar and take classes in Mongolian for foreigners or someone teaches you a traditional art or sport, that’s okay.)
If you graduated Spring or Summer 2023, you can take a gap year and be considered a freshman for admissions purpose.

Will you need financial aid?
Do you have stats? An academic record?
(NYU admits with Gaokao results, most universities admit based on your school record from grade 8 or 9 through 12 or 13, many want to see SAT or ACT results, especially for scholarships. )
What would you like to study?

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Can I apply without mentioning that I’ve been enrolled, and wait for the result, and choose to withdraw if I received an offer before getting any credit?

btw, can I claim that I’m taking a gap year without actually taking it, and apply for transfer in the same year if the results of EA aren’t good (and actually take the gap year if the results are good enough)

You’re asking the CC community whether you should materially misrepresent yourself in your application?

Be truthful. Failure to do so can result in your acceptances being rescinded or if not caught right away, your diploma withheld.

There is nothing else to say, and as such, I’m closing this thread.