Can I apply to the same University twice in a year ?

<p>So I just got my scores, and I got a 2000 on the SATs, my first take. Mainly because I didnt have any time to prepare for it (was caught up with my job and soccer), so I basically gave it without any prep. I really wanted to apply to one of the Ivies by the EA/ED deadline.
But, now the way I see it, I dont really have such a good score to even consider applying !
So I wanted to ask you guys, can I apply to the same University twice ? Like in the SCEA period and then the RD if I get rejected in the SCEA ? (I am thinking of taking the Jan SATs). So for example :
I apply to Princeton for SCEA, and get rejected. Can I apply to Princeton RD if I manage to raise my score ? And would being rejected at SCEA hurt my chances in the RD round ?</p>

<p>Really confused. and tensed.
Thanks. :) Help appreciated !</p>

<p>If you apply to an Ivy SCEA, your application can be rejected, accepted or deferred. If you are deferred, your application will automatically go into the RD cycle. If you are outright rejected, you cannot apply for RD that year cycle. Since the vast amount of applications are deferred instead of rejected, chances are that would be the outcome.</p>

<p>However, with your current scores an acceptance in SCEA or RD is not too likely. Have you considered retaking the SAT for a stronger RD application, and foregoing the SCEA?</p>

<p>Hi fauve.
Thanks for helping me out!
Yes I know that my score is pretty low considering it is the Ivies we are talking about, but I just thought, perhaps due to my ECs, that I just might give it a go. Also the fact that i am an international looking for fin aid makes it only worse since it leaves only the highly selective colleges to choose from.</p>

<p>I just wanted to apply SCEA cause the admit rates are thrice as high as regular rates! :open_mouth:
So i’d have had a better chance perhaps.
But yes, I have decided that I will forego the SCEA round and have a go in the RD round.
Will take the SATs in Jan (already taking Subject testa in Nov) cus that’ll give me enough time to prep (as I have to earn for my family and thus my job takes a lot of my time).
Thanks a lot :slight_smile:
You really helped :D</p>

<p>The SCEA admit rates are high because they include many recruited athletes, legacy and development applicants, as well as applicants with super high stats.</p>

<p>Great ECs always help an application tremendously, as long as the adcoms are convinced you can succeed academically. </p>

<p>Good luck on your retests, and with all your applications!</p>

<p>I always thought that wasn’t true. So basically, if i get throught in SCEA then I definitely have what it takes to get through in RD!</p>

<p>When I come on CC, I look at all the applicants and I see such exhaustive lists of ECs which makes my confidence drop! :S
Thankyou fauve!</p>

<p>guyinblue, I understand about your confidence after seeing postings on CC. If you really want to scare yourself for Halloween, then look at the stats of applicants who were rejected from top schools in prior years.</p>

<p>Not saying this to scare you, but to give you a reality check. When my D applied to schools (she’s now a senior in college) we had no clue how competitive it is. She received a lot of rejections and it was pretty rough. Fortunately she was admitted to a great school off the waitlist.</p>

<p>When our S applied a year ago (he’s a college freshman now) we had a totally different approach. One of his best friends, who is a great guy with great ECs and a 4.0 uw GPA, was mainly applying at top schools and was waitlisted at every single one of them. None of the waitlists resulted in an admit. He was a strong candidate, but the competition is so fierce. He’s at a good school, but he could have had a much better outcome if he hadn’t focused so much on Ivys.</p>

<p>Good luck to you.</p>

<p>Hello college_query, I have seen past results thread of the various schools I am thinking of applying to. Honestly, it gives me goosebumps :S
That certainly does teach me something! But unfortunately, I am not very well versed with the Admissions Process in the States, so I do not know which portion of the application has more significance! Also the lack of an experienced Guidance Counsellor just makes things worse !</p>

<p>On a side note, Congratulations to your D and S! :smiley: All the best to them for their collegiate years ! :D</p>

<p>I had actually thought of starting a “Chance Me” thread, I dont want to know if I will get in or not, I just want to know if what I’m aiming for is even in my range. :|</p>

<p>Thankyou :)</p>

<p>Sorry I am probably very tensed and that is why am rambling and writing random stuff :open_mouth: :|</p>