Can I apply to UC's?

<p>I want to apply to UC : LA, San Diego, and Berkeley. However, I have a 3.3 gpa. Can I even submit an application?</p>

<p>UCLA and Cal are going to be much bigger stretches then UCSD but you will never know if you will get in until you apply. If you really want to go to a UC I recommend you apply to more then just those three.</p>

<p>Is that your UC GPA and are you instate? There is a minimum UC GPA of 3.0 in state and 3.4 out of state. So the answer of “of course you can” may or may not be the case. You should go onto the website and calculate your UC GPA to make sure.</p>

<p>Actually, I don’t think anyone who responded (edit: except the person above) has read the UC requirements for OOS applicants… Or maybe I’m misunderstanding something, but this comes straight off the UC website:
“If you’re interested in entering the University of California as a freshman, you’ll have to satisfy these requirements: … Earn a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better (3.4 if you’re a nonresident) in these courses with no grade lower than a C.”
So unless you’re a resident of California, it doesn’t look like you can even apply, unless your recalculated UC GPA is above 3.4.</p>

<p>I’m an Arizona resident, so I can’t apply because my gpa is 3.3? Does this go twards all of the UC’s?</p>

<p>My UC gpa is a 3.5. Since the UC’S don’t count freshman year then my gpa is higher. So can I apply?</p>

<p>Loricg, what’s the point of mocking an answer if you don’t actually provide any other realistic solutions? I get that admission by examination is an option, but based on the OP’s other posts, it doesn’t look like he qualifies for it. Plus, I’ve heard that getting admitted to UCLA and Berkeley by examination alone is extremely rare.
And yes, if your UC GPA is 3.5 and you meet all the other requirements explained here: [Admission</a> requirements | UC Admissions](<a href=“]Admission”> , then you can safely apply.</p>

<p>Admission by exception is for exceptions. It’s not for kids who simply don’t meet the admissions requirements. Absent special circumstances, which the OP doesn’t seem to have, applying to three UCs with stats below the minimum requirements in hopes they will find him too special to deny is about the same as tossing $210 out the window.</p>

<p>Fortunately with a 3.5 UC GPA, the OP is UC eligible so the point is moot.</p>