Can I become a Questbridge finalist if parents have graduate degrees

Hi, I hear that over 70% of finalists are first generation college students. My parents both have graduate degrees, however, my father became permanently disabled about 10 years ago. My mother works for a charity and we both take care of him. Our income is below 65K a year. What are my chances?

You cannot know till you try, but it’s true you may not fit what they want. Nevertheless you qualify financially speaking and taking care of your dad after such a tragedy hit him would also matter.

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both my parents have bachelor’s degrees from China, with my mom having graduated what is the equivalent of medical school in China and essentially having the credentials to become a doctor before coming to the US, where not all of her credits were transferrable. i was still able to receive QB CPS this March and I’m also planning to apply for NCM. QB is not as rigid as you might think. there are people who make (slightly) above the 65k for a family of 4 and become finalists / match. QB is for low income people, and often first gen students come from low income families. so obviously you should apply if you think it’s a good fit for you!

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