So I emailed NYU to see if I could get my RD changed to ED 2 but I just sent the email today and I heard they take awhile to respond. I really want to know sooner than later and want them to know I wanted to change it right away so would it be ok to call them today even though I already emailed them
Nagging them will NOT make them any more inclined to help you.
NYU is closed today. Calling won’t do any good.
They received a billion last minute applications last week. They’re returning from the Holiday break, and we’re facing near blizzard conditions today.
Stop for just a second and realize that your application isn’t the only thing they’re dealing with. They’ll get around to your email when it’s hit the top of the pile of emails from kids who made mistakes.
Give them a break.
@bjkmom Don’t get me wrong I get that. And I’m not nagging. I just wanted to call because they may feel more sympathetic to a real person and I could better explain any questions they may have
They won’t have any questions… they’ll get that you want to change RD to ED2, and either they’ll do it or they won’t.
But it’s the week after the Common App went in, a week after New Years, and they’re in the middle of a blizzard.
The website says this: “Checking your application status. Within three weeks of the application deadline, NYU will let you know that we have received your application and give you information about how to track your status.”
So if you haven’t gotten a response after 3 weeks, give them a call.
Just call them. They may put you on hold for a while because of how busy it is, but it’s their job to answer your questions. I’ve called them numerous times for any issues I’ve had. It’s really not a big deal. Plus, they also understand that admissions is a tough process for us as well. Calling them gives you an immediate response and puts your worries at ease. It may be too late by the time they respond to your email. I don’t really see why it would be such a big deal to call them and explain that you emailed them earlier but needed to make sure you requested to change your app before the grace period ended. If you don’t ask, or are too late, you’ll never know. They know that too.