<p>Has anyone successfully been able to get information from an admission officer as to what can be improved on the app? Or any reservations they had? Or is it just: you were qualified and we are sorry we could not take you?</p>
<p>You might want to get your guidance counselor to do that, school officials can usually get through whereas students probably can’t. Give it a try though, call the admissions office.</p>
<p>I think theres like 684 reasons why you didnt get into Stanford.</p>
<p>And only one you did.</p>
<p>Just wanted to show you how insensitive that comment was, especially from someone who just got admitted.</p>
what was the point of this comment</p>
<p>that was rude!!!
well, call your counselor and tell him/her to call THEM.
I think stanford lost many EXCELLENT applicants bc of its affirmative action obession
(not that Im against that, Im latino after all)</p>
<p>what the hell kind of comment is that.</p>
<p>Play nice children.</p>
<p>684 = number of those accepted I’m guessing.</p>
<p>That was very clever though, you insincere pig</p>
<p>To the OP, I don’t think it’s worth the call, the most likely answer you will probably get is a regurgitation of the points on the rejection letter…</p>
<p>Doesn’t it say on the Stanford rejection letter NOT to call them?</p>
<p>Maybe not this year, but I remember reading the 2012 rejection letters and one of the FAQ questions was “Why did I get rejected?”</p>
<p>there were actually 689. My point is that you are qualified to get in. But so were many more people and they cant take everyone.</p>
<p>Of course you can call. Sometimes, you can get valuable information. You should also ask your GC to call. But there are times you can get someone who will spend a little time with you on your app.</p>
<p>Most of the times, however, you get a general remark about the competitiveness of the pool this year, and that they just could not take everyone. Sometimes that is truly the only reason. You probably did not have anything on their “wishlist” that they have this year, and did not make the grades/testscore/course load cut for those kids that they took for purely academic reasons. They will go down on any of those things for someone that has something else they are eyeing, but if your app is like too many others with nothing that catches their eye, even those great recs and essays are not going to do it.</p>
<p>bump i didnt aply to stanford but i wanna no too!</p>
<p>hahaha wait i think that the 684 is clever (and inevitably trrue )
but i would not recommend doing this, for the simple fact that it would make moving past your rejection much more difficult
just make a clean cut and forget about it
plus, the admissions office is on vacation right now and i doubt they’re really in the mood to tell you hahaha</p>
<p>When you say it like that, it sounds like you think the kids who are URM’s and were accepted were not excellent applicants.</p>
<p>yes you may call</p>
<p>I got accepted almost solely on the basis of URM and legacy.
2130 SAT 4.2 weighted GPA, mediocre ECs, rough draft UC essay</p>
<p>There is no reason why you shouldn’t call and/or have your guidance counselor call… you didn’t get in, you have no reason to be concerned if they get even the slightest bit ticked off (which they probably won’t). They may be able to provide information that could be very helpful in your forthcoming applications.</p>
<p>Just called the admissions officer and Rick Shaw wasn’t there so I left a message for him and sent him an email as well. I hope he gets back to me before the end of the year so I can take apply his advice to the rest of my apps.</p>
<p>I’ve seen this happen too. A guy I knew had 9 legacies (and his Grandpa is a professor there for decades), URM, 2000 SAT’s, got in.</p>