Am I allowed to double major in two different majors from SFS and the College?
I am fairly certain the answer is no
No, you can’t double-major across schools barring special programs like the SFS/MSB Business and Global Affairs program. You can double-major in the College and you can take minors/certificates in the SFS
@masquerade98 So I could major in something in the College and then minor in something in the SFS?
@galactoc I don’t believe you can minor in an SFS program, even if you’re in the SFS. SFS programs are designed to be pretty encompassing and to build on the core, so it would be difficult to minor in international political economy, for example, without having taken a lot of the prerequisites. That said, you can definitely do one of the certificates. This should give you a better idea of what you can do within the college ( and this is the SFS version (