Can I get automatically rejected?

Hey! so out of all the schools on my list, the UC’s are the only ones that require the SAT with Essay. However, I really don’t want to take the essay.

So the question is if I send my test scores without the essay, will they automatically reject me? or will they review the rest of the application and maybe get a chance? Because I heard someone say that they won’t even review the application because it would be incomplete. And I heard another person say that they wouldn’t really care and that usually, colleges don’t really take the essay much in consideration.

Can anyone please clear this out for me and anyone who may be in a similar situation? Thank you!!

Yes, if they require the essay and you don’t submit it, they’ll automatically reject your application as incomplete.
The score must be submitted but it doesn’t weigh much in the decision.
A little is different from zero, right? :wink:
Also check that you have all our a-g requirements completed and the proper ucgpa.
(@gumbymom and ucbalumnus can even tell you what percentage get in with your ucgpa if you post it here).
If you don’t want to write the essay, look for colleges that don’t make SAT with essay mandatory hut rather accept the sat without essay.

From the UC Website:
For the SAT with Essay, we will focus on the highest total score from a single test date.
So if you submit without the essay, your application is incomplete and will not be reviewed.

In another thread you said you’re a US student with a 1060 SAT and 3.6 GPA. I don’t know if thaose stats make CA publics a possibility, but even if you could get in how would your parents pay the $60k COA on an ~$80k/year income?

Since you live outside the US you’ll be OOS at all state schools. You need to find affordable colleges first. Can you attend a college in your current country? That would be a good safety. Do you have family in the US? If you could live with family and commute somewhere that might work too.

Are you a us citizen or an international student? Are you currently in the us - which state?

Required = Required. That includes the a-g courses, the GPA min and a standardized test.