Can I get in? I'm transferring

<p>In high school I wasn't the best student, so my gpa did suffer. When I graduated I made the choice of attending a community college to build my gpa and transfer to a four year college. I am now in my second semester of college with a gpa of 3.6, I have volunteer hours of 200+ with New York Blood Center, I'm also involved with 3 student clubs and am Vice president of a club.</p>

<p>I will apply to SUNY Geneseo around upcoming december-january in hopes of getting accepted for fall 2013. </p>

<p>I am still improving my gpa and hope to have it a bit higher by the time I apply this fall. </p>

<p>What do you think are my chances of getting accepted into SUNY Geneseo?</p>

<p>This is my college of first choice, I really want to get accepted.</p>

<p>Anyone :slight_smile: ???</p>

<p>generally transferring into a college is much easier than getting accepted from high school. a 3.6 is a good gpa. how competitive is your sats?</p>

<p>I actually did not take SAT in high school, but I have heard and read that at most schools, once you have completed at least 30 college credits, they will not require you to send in your SAT scores, do you think this can affect my acceptance at Geneseo?</p>

<p>you should call admissions and ask about the sats. otherwise with your gpa and ecs you should be fine</p>

<p>Geneseo is not hard to get into at all. Even as a high school senior, it is relatively easy. As long as you have decent grades you’ll probably get in. Like most people said, transferring to this school will probably be much easier. Good luck!</p>