<p>hey guys, I am a high school junior, I live in the state of new york and I am very interested in RIT. I am looking to major in computer telecommunications and systems analyst. My average is a 78% unweigthed, and a 84% weighted. I didnt take the SATS yet but my psat score was around 1500. Im currently in 5 clubs, are in which 2 computer clubs being acsl-american computer science league as well as computer club. I currently have a professional internship as a computer programmer for a company. I also have recommendations from math, as well as my social studies teacher. do I have a good chance of getting in? if not, what can i do to further improve my chances?</p>
<p>Your SAT scores will affect you luck a fair bit, so it is probably too early to say. In addition, odds each year depend a lot on how many other people apply for the same major.</p>
<p>My only advice at this point would be to do well on the SAT tests.</p>
<p>Also, I would try to avoid misspellings on any paperwork that you submit to RIT.</p>