Can I get In-State tuition even though I'm not in state?

<p>I moved in with my dad in California, and I don't fully understand the requirements but my mother is a resident of Texas, and TAMU is my top choice for schools.. Do I get to pay the in-state tuition although I don't live with my mother anymore? </p>

<p>TAMU policy - <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I would like to know as well. too bad they are not more clear on this issue. bump…</p>

<p>No. Not unless you claim her. Don’t put anything about you living with your dad when you apply. Just put your mom’s info and her address as your permanent address. Your dad’s can be your mailing address so you’ll get your mail. </p>

<p>She needs to be your sole dependent I believe. Also you need to have lived in Texas for a certain amount of time.</p>

<p>You have to have lived in Texas for at least a year in order to claim in-state residency. However, if you are looking to get in-state tuition prices, I know a girl who opted for Blinn Team rather than go to A&M full time so that she wouldn’t have to pay the high out of state fees (Since you wouldn’t have to pay to be a full time student), and she could claim residency after her freshman year.</p>