Can i get in to Duke or Berkeley?

<p>I have a 3.5 unweighted GPA. I am hoping to do really well on my SAT's next year. I take all AP courses such as calculus, chemistry, biology,physics, and english. I have extra-curriculars such as school basketball and baseball, volunteering at my city hospital, and having a part time job during the school year. I was elected Head Boy for my high school for senior year (next year) and was selected to go to the Global Young Leaders Conference in China this summer for 2 weeks. I go to a highly respected Catholic high school in Canada (near Toronto). Do i have a legit shot?</p>

<p>ok why all the repeat posts? just be patient</p>

<p>There’s not enough info in any of your posts to get a real answer. Is 3.5 top of your class or close? What is “really well” on the SATs? 90th percentile is doing really well, but it won’t get you into any of the schools you’re asking about in your many threads.</p>

<p>So when you get real, so will the predictions you get.</p>

<p>boys just chill for a second. hmom5, good chirp too buddy, thats a nice one, you should write that one down and remember it. 3.5 is probably in the top 25% of my class. thats a 90 average in our grading system in canada, so its good. academics in canada are more difficult too, results have shows that americans do very poorly on international tests.</p>

<p>OK, then just forget Berkeley, Stanford and Duke, buddy. No way, no how will top 25% be close, even if you attend Upper Canada College.</p>

<p>It is extremely difficult to get into UCB when you are out of state, though UC has talked about increasing number of out of state students. In State students will have the advantage. You must be extremely talented in the academic and EC fields to get in.
Chance me back, please? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>hmom5, i’m not your buddy. and thank god for it. Suck my left nut buddy, i’ll give you a holer when i’m chillin at duke. maybe i forgot to add in that i’m being recruited by Duke for basketball and can get a scholarship when they offer them in 3 weeks.</p>

<p>How are you getting recruited if you’re not a senior? If you are a senior, why are you taking the SATs?</p>

<p>You obviously are either lying in your first post or lying in your last post because if you were actually in at Duke for recruitment, you wouldn’t need us to tell you.</p>

<p>Well, that would certainly be the only way you’re getting in and it’s wonderful for all the high stats students to have the assurance there will be someone there to fill in the bottom of the class:) But does Duke know about your self control issues? They really don’t need anymore problems with athletes…Just when applications picked up!</p>

<p>So hard to believe anyone being recruited by Duke for BB would waste their time with chances threads on CC. The new Mercedes in your drivway should be all you need to confirm with. And you know what? Not only have this year’s recruits been chosen, but so have most of next year’s, buddy!</p>

<p>Duke scholarship for basketball? Youre either one of the best basketball players in Canada or youre lying.</p>

<p>you are the biggest piece of **** i have seen on these boards. when you stop <strong><em>ing around and realize you have no chance at these schools maybe youll stop being such an </em></strong>*. Look forward to a bunch of thing envelopes “buddy”. Got it, eh?</p>

<p>sccrdave05. You’re chirpin my entire country? Wow, thats high class. Sorry i’m not american like you, but let me ask you, are you deathly obese and in astronomical debt? I thought so, seeing as how you’re an american. Cocky bastards. Let me have it boys, i can go all day</p>

<p>You guys need to chill. Seriously, the kid just wants to know what you think. If you want more specific information, you can ask for it politely…</p>

<p>And f<strong>k hmom5. I’d kill that b</strong>*h with a lead pipe, no joke.</p>

<p>No dude, i’m sorry that my parents rake in over 200,000 dollars a year and I won’t be getting any financial aid. Or that i’m 6’3" 170 pounds. Definitely overweight. Stay in Canada, eh?</p>

<p>wow. The reason i joined this website was to get info on schools. thanks alot everyone, big help. I guess everyone on this website is a giant dick.</p>


<p>but saunders and hmom- this is way out of control. saunders, if your school is that good, then 25% will be enough. the high school i go to sends over 1/3 of its graduates to ivy league schools, so 25% is definitely enough at my school. just finish your junior year strong saunders, do well on the SATs (above 2100) and hope for the best.</p>