can I get in Vtech?

<p>second year in California state university
GPA 3.338
Mechanical enginneering
Asian international
High school gpa: about 80/100
volunteer at CAVE (university volunteer program)
volunteer at torres shelter (homeless program)
member of student club : sent them the projrct that i am working on
translator experience 2 times
they said mmy TOEFL are gonna be wavied
used to work in 2 sign company in my home country
installation sign system for Marriott and ritz carlton</p>

<p>can I get in ? so worry about that. please give me more details. thanks!!!</p>

<p>can anyone just told me that what is my chance? even if i am not going to make it. i will accept the truth!!! thanks.</p>

<p>I think you should be ok. But I don’t know much about transfers.</p>