Can I get in?!? What are my chances?!

I’m currently a junior in Miami, and my all time dream school is UM. Both my mother and grandfather attended UM. I currently have a 3.8 unweighted GPA, but have only taken 3 honors classes so far, no AP’s. I have over 100 community service hours and my SAT score is a 1298. I’m also part of the Model UN club at my school. I am currently trying to decide whether I should do my senior year abroad in a school in Switzerland that I go to in the summer. UM is my dream school and I can’t picture myself going anywhere else, what are my chances to get it? If I don’t get in immediately could I do my first semester in FIU and transfer to UM after ?? Please let me know what my options are, thank you!

Wow! 1298 on the SAT? That’s incredible! Jk assuming you meant 1290, I think your chances are decent but don’t expect much on the side of merit. Good luck

You should be aware that UM is test optional for international applicants.

Therefore, if you go to Switzerland next year, do not send your SAT scores to UM (unless they go up, of course!)