<p>I no, i completely FFFF'd up my junior year and got a D+ in calculus and 2 Cs in ap us history and ap statistics. this has been hanging over my head for FOREVER. i really, really, really, want to get into UF, but with my junior year grades, can i get in?</p>
<p>freshman/sophomore years i had a 3.9 UW average, then lovely junior year came and wham! i got a 3.1 UW gpa. and with sat scores of 1940/2400 cr=630, m=660, 2=650, can i get in???? i luv my gators...:( :( i wanna get in so bad!!!</p>
<p>Probably not at this point, BUT there's always transferring into UF if you do well your freshman year elsewhere.
You could get in if you are in-state though. Good luck!</p>
<p>You can't transfer to UF with less than 60 credits (i.e. after freshman year). Even with 60 credits, it would still be hard to transfer in without a state issued AA.</p>
<p>Apply. You never know. Write the best essays, etc you can (of course all of this is if you haven't applied yet). Also make sure you consider other options ... if it has to be in-state for $, or you just want to - FSU? Flagler? UCF? USF? There are tons of options - just look around if you haven't. If you get denied and seriously CAN NOT go anywhere else, I guess go CC and attempt transfer. Im not sure, but it may be better to go to a university for two years, then transfer..</p>
<p>Santa Fe College backdoor is quickly being slammed shut. I hear soon they will no longer allow any transfers. UF isn't all that, just go to USF, UCF, FSU, UNF, UWF, or others and apply to grad school at UF.</p>
<p>Well for Warrington college there was a 7% acceptance rate, set to decline to less than two percent was what they told me. Budget cuts you know. Republicans believe in having a uneducated populace so they can lord over you!</p>
<p>FSU looks more at GPA and course rigor than SAT scores. You’d need to visit Admissions with your credentials in hand and get a better read on your chances. It would not be automatic at all.</p>
<p>well sampson, you do know, at least for now in warrington there is pretty much an unconditional acceptance if you meet the 3.7 pre-prof gpa…i’m pretty sure you can’t be denied as long as you meet the standards. I know this will hold true for at least up until fall 09. I’m not including accounting of course</p>
<p>OP–Did you by chance get all 5’s on your AP exams in those classes? That’s probably your only chance for acceptance, but overall likelyhood of UF acceptance is low.</p>
<p>Republicans believe in having an uneducated populace to lord over??? It’s the de… nevermind, it’s not even worth it. The state has cut funding for UF and FSU because they were becoming overcrowded, and it’s hard to maintain a world class university when just about any student in-state can get in. Not everyone deserves to go to a good school like UF. It’s a privilege to be able to go to a good university, not a right. </p>
<p>To the op, are you in-state? It’s hard to say without knowing what else you’ve done throughout high school. Are your EC’s good? I don’t think you have a great shot right now, but apply anyway because you never know. Good luck!</p>
<p>sorry guys. i just got back. i’m oos. just my luck, right? but i do have double legacy if that’ll help me at all…i think that i have great ecs, a great essay, just a sucky gpa…</p>