Can i get in?

<p>ACT: 30 (25 Eng/ 28 Math/ 36 reading/ 30 Science) Retaking next month, going to try and up Eng/Math since i know IU superscores
GPA: 3.53
EC: Track (4 years)
Intramural Basketball (4 years)</p>

<p>Average of 4-5 hours of volunteer activity per month
I run my own lawn mowing company, have about 8 lawns per week with one other person that i am in charge of (scheduling/ pay/etc.)</p>

<p>OOS (Nebraska Resident)</p>

<p>Dont qualify for Kelley direct admit, but plan on getting in Junior Year and hopefully into the iBanking workshop/seminar</p>

<p>Oh yeah, you definitely qualify. You could get your ACT up higher, but the IU Distinction Scholarship is for ACT of 30 or higher (36,000 over 4 years) and it’s an automatic scholarship. They’ll definitely accept you, no question about it. And give you a ton of money too. Still, if you want to retest just for the heck of it, go for it. Also, you’re probably considerable for the Ivy League. Maybe a few will turn you down, but you should consider applying to at least a few. I’m sure at least one will accept you.</p>

<p>Parent of a senior son who is looking at Bloomington. Average gpa is 3.6, ACT scores mid-range is 24-28. Your higher test score will help, and if you are in rigorous curriculum, the gpa should be just fine. IU does not really do holistic admissions, it is numbers driven, no essays. Get your application in soon, with rolling admission, you will know probably 4-8 weeks. Good luck.</p>

<p>1) Weighted GPA must be >= 3.8 to get the $36K scholarship. </p>

<p>[Automatic</a> Academic Scholarships: Office of Scholarships: Indiana University Bloomington](<a href=“]Automatic”></p>

<p>2) IBW is extremely competitive. Your can search for more info on this forum.</p>

<p>saxguy- I am thinking with my lack of extracurriculars, any of the Ivies would be a long shot, plus i dont have the $$$
midwestmom- Yes i will be filling out my application in the coming weeks
ace- Yeah i’ve heard, but i’ve also heard there is an ibanking seminar, and have heard banks do OCR? Also, weighted GPA’s best chance is 3.6 or so, but does anyone know if i could direct admit into kelley, if i got my ACT up higher but still have current gpa?</p>

<p>A few of the Ivies are notorious for their financial aid generosity. I found somewhere that some students at Harvard pay no more than $15,000 a year out of their pockets. That may be exaggerated, I’m not sure. But the big price tag you see on most of them will almost always be pretty inaccurate since they give away a lot of financial aid. But that’s just an option if you wanted to consider. I’m not sure about the details to all of that so feel free to throw that option out the window if you want. Hope you find the place you really want to go.</p>