Can I get In?

International applicant
–>1440 on SAT. Class 9- 9.6 Cgpa
–>Class 10- 9 cgpa
–>Class 11- 91%
–>Class 12- 80.2% (Scored 58/100 in Maths due to communal riots and typhoid. However, my maths teacher would mention this in her recom)
–>I am the 4th ranker of the world’s largest inter-school quiz, Aqua regia which included more than 140,000 students.
–> worked on a research project on Electroceramics with a college prof.
–>Have been teaching Physics poor and underprivileged children from 2 years,
–>Maths and Science Quiz champion for 2 consecutive years at school level,
–>special award by principal for excellence in Physics,
–>debate champion at school level,
–> Collected a fund of 20000 INR for Nepal earthquake relief,
–>organized a peace rally after communal riots in my city and delieverd a speech in the rally,
–>founder of StarGazers Club in my society.
–>First student from my city to apply to U of Wisconsin-Madison and first student from my school to write SAT and apply for US universities.
–>Very strong recom letters. Expecting a “once in a Life-time student” sentence from both Physics and Maths teachers. Preferred Major- Physics
So can I get in??

You can likely get admitted but it may not be affordable. Can you apply for scholarships in your country to use at UW-Madison?

The commonly used gradepoint scale used is the 4.0 scale, 4 = A (unweighted for UW). Some HS’s give +'s and -'s (ad 0.3, subtract 0.3 points) to modify this A = 4, B = 3, C = 2 points. You need to talk to someone at your school about translating the percentage to this scale. 90% may or may not be an A for a school- find out from your school.

Getting accepted is only the first step. Your other thread address finances. Your family needs to be realistic about costs. You should consider UW, or any other US school for graduate studies after a degree from your country if loans are involved. No school is worth hardships to your parents and any siblings.

fwi- in the US mathematics is shortened to just math.