<p>chances? </p>
<p>I recently visited colleges and i like harvard, upenn, brown, and yale. Im a junior.</p>
<p>I would apply to upenn early if i thought i had a decent chance of getting in.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.7-4</p>
<p>ACT:30 without prep plan to take again</p>
<p>SATs: no results yet</p>
<p>I take the mostly the hardest classes my school offers</p>
<p>Junior year:2 aps, calc ab and spanish language</p>
<p>Senior year plan to take 4 aps: calc bc, spanish lit, english lit, economics</p>
<p>I go to a competative prep school and i am in the top 15% if not the top 10%.</p>
<p>Senior Class President
Honor Council
Spanish Honor Society
President of Debate Club
President and Founder of Young Democrats of America at my school
Philosophy Club
Childrens Lit Tutor
Gold Key
Big Sib
Staff writer for student newspaper
i play the bass for the concert choir
Freshman Class Vice Prez</p>
<p>Varsity Lax and Varsity TEnnis</p>
<p>My real interest however lies in my T.V. show</p>
<p>In the summers i direct, produce and host my own tv show on public access tv. I fund the show with the money i make directing other t.v. shows. To date i have interview a senator and a few famous journalists.</p>
Summer school at Philips Exeter Academy: Honors marks
Work on T.V. show
This summer i have arranged to work in the senate.</p>
<p>my dad went upenn undergrad and yale grad if that helps </p>
<p>i am a white male, i live in colorado, and i have adhd</p>
<p>im interested in politics, communications, and business</p>