Can I get in???

<p>GPA: 3.54
ACT: composite score- 27
with reccomendations from my AP Psych. teacher & guidance counselor</p>

dance- 11 years
dance teacher- 2 years
vice president of the city's Teen Advisory Board
spanish national honor society- 1 year
math national honor society- 2 years
spanish club, yearbook committee, solo & ensemble awards, psychology APA award, jv tennis,....</p>

<p>if I write a killer essay do you think I have a chance???</p>

<p>According to UW's chart <a href=""&gt;;/a> , you have a 50% shot at getting in. How rigorous is your course load also, as UW looks very heavily on what you've taken over the years.</p>

<p>As above. Try to do your best this semester, rising grades do help and showing you can do the work is to your advantage. Do have some safeties and keep in mind that many do transfer if it comes to that. Do your best essay but don't ignore your classes for it, it can help but not as much as good grades and test scores do.</p>