Can I get in?

<p>In-state. Korean male. Low-income. Attending competitive public high school that sends 60 kids to Cal/UCLA each year</p>


<p>UC weighted: 4.64 (5.0 in junior year)
UC Unweighted: 3.82
UC High school (the 8 semester capped one): 4.18
ELC (top 4%)</p>


<p>-4 APs this year, 1 honors, and 4 college classes (all UC approved honors courses)
-10 APs and 6 college classes by graduation. I will have enough credits by grad to have junior status at Berkeley/UCLA by the time I enroll
-Very rigorous courseload</p>

<p>Standardized tests</p>

<p>SAT: 2060
Math: 800
CR: 600
Writing 660 (8 essay)</p>

<p>ACT: 30
English: 35 (10 essay)
Math: 35
Science - 25
Reading - 26</p>

<p>SAT IIs:
World - 760
Math II - 760
Korean - 780
AP scores so far: 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3. The 3 was a self study.</p>


<p>-Work for my dad since freshman year. 20 hrs/week since then and still doing. Have to help out because my dad can't afford to hire anyone else.
-President of Mu Alpha Theta Charter at my school (for two consecutive years). Mostly a tutoring club. I organize math tutoring sessions. (4 years)
-Vice President of Korean Culture Club (also for two consecutive years). Very much of a community service club. Organize community service activities for members to do. (4 years)
-Peer tutor in school - workshop leader. I teach other peer tutors how to effectively tutor students as well as tutor them myself. (3 years)
-Tutor for special ed kids at local elementary (3 years)
-Paid math and science tutor in neighborhood (4 years)
-Pacific American Volunteer Association (PAVA) - member for 4 years so far. We perform environmental activities all around LA during weekends.
-Over 500 hrs of comm. service
-Tennis. Good enough to make varsity tennis at our school. (#1 in the city) But had to give up b/c I commute 2 hrs to school everyday and I won't be able to stay in school late due to transportation issues.</p>


<p>Possibly the strongest part of my app. Incredible. My counselors thought they were "just amazing." My english teacher from last year is using them for an essay writing lecture in her class. Showed my passion for helping others. (tutoring and responsibility at home were my essay topics)</p>


<p>Applied for EOP
Used fee waiver for apps</p>

<p>I think my extracurriculars, essays, and gpa are great, but I am not too confident about my scores mostly because they are very unbalanced. Do you guys think that my CR score and Reading and Science scores of the ACT will stick out like sore thumbs? I was very hesitant in sending my ACT score because my awful science and reading scores. The reading score, I think, enforces that I have horrible CR skills. And the science score is really bad since I am a paid science tutor. I only sent in my ACT score because of the high English score that might show that I am better at writing than what my SAT writing score indicates. Oh and if it helps, I only took both tests once (due to test fees) without any prep though there is no way admissions officers will know that. </p>

<p>So what are my chances at Berkeley? Will appreciate any criticisms (especially regarding my test scores)</p>

<p>Oh and I heard many colleges including Berkeley looks more at English and math scores of the ACT than the science and reading sections? Is that true?</p>

<p>And sorry for my extremely long post. Didn’t realize it would be that long.</p>

<p>u have a good chance
although not an excellent one
still best of luck!</p>

<p>I think you should get in.</p>

<p>Its going to be tough as they got over 85k apps when they only had around 55k last year.</p>

<p>Are you serious? Berkeley received 85k this year? Can you show me a link that says that?</p>

<p>confidentiality, I’d say you have an excellent chance. Your stats are all at or near the average, and your EC’s are great. Having an essay of the caliber you stated certainly doesn’t hurt. </p>

<p>Volleyball Dad: I highly doubt the number of applications sent in would increase by 55% in one year. That’s absolutely ridiculous. Please provide a source.</p>

<p>You will get in. Your GPA and ECs are amazing and I assume your course load is too (4 college classes, 4 APs, and 1 honors in senior year is no easy feat). Plus your essays should be a topping of your nearly perfect application.</p>

<p>And yeah as you are aware, the weakest part of your app would be your test scores, but even they are above average for Berkeley. And that reading, science, and CR scores may “stick out like sore thumbs,” but all your other stats are awesome so I think you are fine. </p>

<p>Oh and volleyball dad, I am SURE Berkeley did not receive 85,000 apps this year. That is insane.</p>

<p>Thanks and bump</p>

<p>ur ec’s look really impressive
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>From the recruiting contact is where the information came from. They need to track the application numbers from the recruits so they can keep tabs on the athletes. The number exceeds 86k apps.</p>