<p>I go to an average sized Catholic high school in Pennsylvania. I am white, upper middle class. I have a 4.0 UW GPA. By the time I graduate I'll have taken 6 AP classes, with the rest being honors. Rank 37 in 350. I really don't have impressive ECs...I wish someone told me how important it was when I was a freshman. I want to major in history and minor in Spanish.</p>
<p>*Will be co-Captain of my school's varsity soccer team next year, and have played since freshman year. </p>
<p>*Two years of varsity rugby (had to quit due to injuries).</p>
<p>*Part time Job in the Summers since sophomore year working at day camps for kids.</p>
<p>*Member of Community Service Corps at my school two years.</p>
<p>*NHS Senior Year</p>
<p>I want to know my chances of getting into my reach schools: University of Maryland, Georgetown University, Washington and Lee University, and UVA.</p>
<p>Don't bother with niceties please. Just tell me your opinion straight. Any and all help appreciated. Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>First, there is no way to tell without some SATs or ACTs. Those are very important.</p>
<p>Second, ECs are only considered at Md, they are very important at W&L, and important at UVA. </p>
<p>Third, will your parents be able to pay for those schools? UVA will provide need based aid but is VERY difficult to get into. Md and W&L won’t give financial aid to an out-of-state student. Make sure you have a financial safety that you are willing to attend and can afford.</p>
<p>Answer Erin’s Dad’s concerns and then we can help.</p>
<p>If your parents can’t pay “full freight” to the privates (about $55k per year), then you’ll need to find out what aid you’ll qualify for and whether the schools will meet need without big loans.</p>
<p>You’ve got good chances at all of them.</p>
<p>How in the world are you 37/350 w/ a 4.0 UW?</p>
<p>Thanks for all of the replies. </p>
<p>SATs - 680 Math , 720 Writing , 710 CR</p>
<p>I have a 94 avg since the beginning of high school. Haven’t seen a B. How 36 people above me pull off a 94.1+ in their classes is beyond me. Strong grade I guess. One of my friends in the grade above me has a 93 avg and is ranked 18th of ~350. I hope colleges care more about my grades than rank, but I’m not counting on it.</p>
<p>For the question about financial aid… if W&L and Md can’t give me any kind of financial aid they really are not options. My parents are willing to help me with college but that amount money is too much to ask. I have been reading on this site for a little bit and it appears the consensus is to get the best value college for undergrad if you are seeking to go to grad school (which I am). I think 30,000 or less a year would be manageable with student loans and some help from my parents…beyond that I really can’t do.</p>
<p>Could anyone tell me anything about Vanderbilt or Wake Forest?</p>