<p>Hey guys,</p>
<p>I'm an international applicant for 2012, and I go to an international school. The school program is very rigorous for grades 9-10 because we do the Cambridge IGCSE along with the IB MYP side by side, and if I must add, it is extremely challenging. I have taken accelerated math, science, french, literature etc. for both years, so basically it covers all the hardest possible courses offered by my school (Its like the honor roll). In the 9th grade I've had mostly A's and around 3 or 4 B's in total for both semesters of that year. This year, I had a 4.0/4.4 GPA in the first semester, and in my quarter report for this semester I recieved a 4.15/4.4 GPA. So basically I've converted the grades for you guys, from the IB MYP scale (out of 7) to the GPA scale. Extracurriculars are needed all throughout gr.9/10 to get an IB MYP certificate, so I've taken part in lots of them in school, including external volunteering services, sports teams (I played for a club for a while) etc. Just wanted to know if it was going to hurt my chances, getting those scores, but I have read extensively, and adcoms say that they pardon lower scores in rigorous courses. Please leave your opinion :) Oh, by the way my dream school is Harvard, and I also love MIT :D</p>
<p>for now it’s a really high reach. why?</p>
<p>1.) You didn’t say what your SAT scores are, if any
2.) Getting in to Harvard and MIT is really hard (as in most if not all applicants would be at least mid reaches)
3.)Your ECs are too scattered for me, IMO. Maybe focus on activities that you can tie up to show your passion (maybe organize clubs and join orgs that would then tie up your passion for math for example)</p>
<p>so there. Just remeber that most if not all applicants have similar and even higher stats than you- you should ask the question: “what separates me from the pack?”</p>
<p>chance me back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/912361-chance-me-ivies-other-schools-new-member-here.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/912361-chance-me-ivies-other-schools-new-member-here.html</a></p>
Oh by the way I’ve not taken my SAT’s yet, only PSAT’s uptil now. I havent mentioned my EC’s! Lol :D, they are -
-National Swimming Award
-Guitarist (taking exams this year)
-Model United Nations
-Cricket U-17 team for school (since the 7th grade)
-Cricket club player (prefer not to disclose the name, I want to remain anonymous)
-Library club at school
-Student of the Month
-Australian science competition (credit)
-Cambridge math competition
-Volunteering for an NGO in India (Aseema foundation)
-United Nations concert
-School newspaper reporter</p>
<p>Those are my EC’s for grades 9 and 10, still have to do some in grade 11 and 12 for IB Diploma
Thanks for the advice on passion! Im still trying to find a specific hook though</p>
<p>Hey thanks for chancing :)</p>
<p>Your ECs are great(The recently posted)- especially the cricket thing- very unique.</p>
<p>Maybe you can package it as the EC that will show your passion.
The Math and Science ECs are great too. IMO, you could package yourself as a Cricket playing guy who also loves math and science :)</p>
<p>You could also add another dimension to it by getting the sort of social sciences ECs (Volunteering, Model UN, UN Concert) as another passion.</p>
<p>In the end, I think you should highlight a specific set of ECs that you are most into, most awards and where you can get extraordinary topics for your essays( the essays should highlight that passion; i.e. string of ECs) and then make the other things as another dimension of your application( example: it will give the adcom an image of you that would say, "hey, this guy plays and has achievements in cricket and is obviously in love with it AND besides that he is also a bit of a Math and Science buff too!)</p>
<p>For SATs- just do your best and hope to get at least a 700+ at every section.
For Essays- highlight the passion that would be verified in your EC list
For GPA- keep up the good work!</p>
<p>So your chances are still at a reach cause Harvard an MIT are hard to get into, but if you can display the passion and if you have that high SAT your reach will be significantly lower than the average high SAT high GPA scattered ECs applicant.</p>
<p>Maybe try other Ivies- like Cornell and other top schools as well like Georgetwon and even NYU- they’re a match if not a safety for you. :)</p>