Can I get in?

unweighted: 3.8462
weighted: 4.5128</p>

<p>Class Rank: 20/746</p>

<p>SAT I:
Verbal 700
Math 790
Writing 720
Essay 9</p>

<p>SAT II:
Literature 640
Physics 800
Math IIC 800</p>

<p>ACT 32</p>

<p>PSAT 227</p>

US History 4
Psychology 5
Physics B 5</p>

<p>Senior classes:
Advanced (Post AP) Chem and Physics
AP Composition & Literature
AP Bio
AP French
AP Calc BC
AP Econ & Government</p>

Large, public, wealthy, midwest, suburban, around 3000 students</p>

Piano since age 3, NSMTA Honorable mention, Chicago Duo Piano Competition Winner, Participation in Chicago Duo Piano Festival for 7 consecutive years, 2005 Junior Assistant Coach, Pitten Austria International Music Festival</p>

<p>Marching Band (trombone), Competition Band, Pep Band, Wind Symphony, Jazz Ensemble, orchestra pit (school musical), section leader, American Symphonietta, Protege Philharmonic</p>

<p>Modern Music Masters Vice President</p>

<p>Wrote a piece of music for a small wind ensemble as a supervised independent study project</p>

<p>Hopes for Hope volunteer program in Ensenada, Mexico</p>

<p>AP Scholar, National Merit Semifinalist</p>

<p>Race: 50% Mexican American, 50% White
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<p>Right now, Princeton is my top choice and other I'm interested in are Duke, Stanford, Brown, Harvard and MIT, UMichigan Ann Arbor, USC, UIllinois Champaign-Urbana, and Berkeley. What are my chances at these schools and what should my safety schools be? </p>

<p>Should I use the October SAT to take the french SAT IIs? Should I retake the Lit SAT II? Or should I use the test date to retake the SAT I?</p>

<p>Any help would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>You probably have a decent shot, depending on how presitigious your music awards are (I don't really know), but I would definitely either retake the Lit SAT II or take another one. 640 is frighteningly low, and I'm sure that you could score much, much higher on chemistry (or something similar).</p>