Can I get into a UC school with a D?

Junior year my AP Calculus teacher gave me a D second semester. I wish I could tell you how this happened but I don’t know!!! The teacher was the most unreasonable human I’ve met and she refused to return graded tests back to any student in my class for all of second semester. I sent a comment to each of my colleges saying this doesn’t represent my work. I got a 5 on the mock exam in the beginning of second semester (the only test that was ever returned after grading) and a 5 on my actual Calculus AB exam…

I am a senior at a competitive high school. I have a 3.65/4 and 4.0/5 with 10 APs. I got a 35 on my ACT in one sitting, have impressive ECs and AP scores, as well as a perfect Math 2 score (800)

Would I really be denied automatically by every UC school? It says on the application website an applicant can’t have a single D in an academic course. Out of the UCs I’m applying to UCLA and UC Berkley. Please let me know what I should expect, thank you!

Did you repeat the course and replace the D grade? Did you take a higher level course such as AP Calculus BC?
What is your UC GPA and does it include your D grade? What level Math are you taking now?
By getting a D in the 2nd semester of AP Calculus, this basically voids the whole year of Calculus for you.

Post your UW UC GPA/Weighted Capped UC GPA and Fully weighted UC GPA:

I am in Advanced Calculus ( AP Calc BC) for Senior year and expecting a B. My weighted GPA is 3.65, UC fully weighted GPA (APs are out of 5?) is a 4 flat. Also, I respect your opinion but it is hard to believe that a UC School will ignore my whole year of Calculus after getting a 5 and a perfect math 2 score

And sorry, the rogerhub page wouldn’t open for me

Sorry, I missed that you scored a 5 on the AP Calculus exam. You are correct that you have completed the class but the D is calculated into your UC GPA which will hurt you a bit. Overall you are a competitive applicant and with luck, UCLA and UCB will overlook the one outlier in your application. Good Luck and no you will not be rejected for that one D.

Good to hear! It’s not news to me that a D will hurt my app, but my main concern was whether I would even be an eligible applicant since the app website said you can’t have any Ds.

Just read another post about someone getting into UC Davis with a D. I’m sure that UC schools won’t void my application cus of one grade, thank you for taking the time to reply!!

You cannot have any D’s or F’s Senior year or face being rescinded since there is no time left during your Senior year to retake courses. If they didn’t allow D’s, they would not have grade validation or alternate ways to fulfill the a-g course requirements.

I would expect you will get an email request from UCB to submit LOR’s due to the D grade.