Can I get into a UC with one D I got in freshmen year(math)?

So I did rough in math in freshmen year,first semester with one D. And im getting anxiety since I saw UC requirements as you need to complete a-g courses with a c or higher (i tried retaking the class, but retakes are only for F’s in my school). After first semester i realized my mistakes and started doing better in school, getting 4.1 gpa in sophomore year and a current 4.2 gpa this junior year (also already prepping for SAT next spring). Im looking into UC Davis and UCR. Will that one D ruin my chances?

You are in luck, friend! The UCs don’t look at freshman grades – at all.

What class did you get the D in Freshman year?

Freshman grades are not calculated into your UC GPA, but you still need to complete the a-g course requirements including your Freshman classes. The UC’s do offer grade validation for Foreign Language and Math.

Well thats great, but I’ve been getting mixed answers in which what gpa UC’s look at. My 9-12 gpa shows 3.5 but my 10-12 shows a 4.1, people say they look at 9-12 while others say they look at 10-12. Which one is it?

I got the D in math, next semester I got a C+

What were your grades in your Sophomore and Junior Math classes and what level will you reach by Senior year?

UC’s will look at all your grades, but 10-11th are used for the GPA calculation and passing all your a-g courses is important included 9th grades.

A grade of C or higher for a Math Class 2nd semester validates a D in the 1st semester. Also a C or higher grade in the a higher level of Math will validate the D.

The UC’s have their own weighting system and GPA calculation using your grades from the a-g course requirements for 10-11th grade. If you are a CA HS student, you can look up your HS’s UC approved classes that will give you the extra weighting. All the UC’s use the capped weighted UC GPA (8 semesters of Honors points) and UCLA/UCB will also consider the fully weighted UC GPA. Here is the UC GPA calculator:

Link for looking up UC approved courses:

Test scores, HS course rigor, UC GPA and essays will be the most important aspects of your UC application. Intended major can also play a major role in your chances.

freshmen year 1st semester= 2 A’s, 2 B’s,1 C,1 D(terrible, i know)2nd semester- 3 A’s 2 B’s 1 C
sophmore year-1st semester=all A’s one B,Second semester= all A’s
Junior year(now)=all A’s

In last years math class i was doing very strong,(earned 2 student of the month awards from math class, and a couple from other classes)

Well as long as you will have all the required a-g courses completed by end of Senior year, you are heading in the right direction.

Once you have completed your Junior year and have some test scores, come back are repost for your chances.

And can you explain what validation is, what does that do to my D grade?

There are two types of validation:
• Validation of coursework: validation of a lower–level course even if the lower-level course was not actually completed (“subject omission”)
• Validation of grades: validation of a D or F grade (“grade deficiency”) in a lower-level course after completion of a higher-level course with a grade of C or better

The second semester of a course validates the 1st semester of that course or a lower-level course, even if the 1st semester course was not completed or was not at the honors, AP/IB level.

The original deficient grade (D or F) is still calculated in the GPA for UC freshman admissions (10-11th grades) even if the subject requirement is validated.

To remove a grade deficiency from the calculation, a repeat of the same/similar course is required.

So unless you repeated the 1st semester Math class, your D will reported on your UC application. Since UC’s do not use 9th grades in their GPA calculation, your D will not affect your UC GPA.

And one last thing, since it says a C or higher with a-g requirements, what does the D do to it with the validation.

As long as you passed the 2nd semester of the Math Class with a C or higher and have passed your subsequent higher level Math classes with a C or higher, you will have completed the Math © UC/CSU requirement for Freshman year. Remember to be a competitive applicant you need 4 years of Math for the UC’s.

thanks for answering my questions, my anxiety has been relieved a bit. Hopefully I do great this year (especially on the tests) and the next year. page 20-21 describes validation of math courses. If you earned a D in the first half of a math course, then earning a C or higher in the second half of the same math course validates completion of the first half of the math course.

In some situations, completion of a higher level course can validate a lower level course. For example, earning a C or higher in algebra 2 validates algebra 1 if you earned a D or F in algebra 1. Omission of a math course other than geometry may also be validated by earning a C or high in a higher level course.