Can I get into at least one of these schools out of 20?

<p>Hey I just want to receive at least 1 acceptance letter in april out of 20 colleges... well actually here's my predictions:
UC San Diego-accepted
UC Davis-accepted
Harvard- rejected
U of Chicago-rejected
Yale- rejected
NYU- rejected</p>

<p>I just want to get into 1 private school...hopefully USC or northwestern/chicago/cornell/georgetown</p>

ACT:29 (1950 converted SAT)
SAT 2:730,660,650
GPA for 9-12 grade: 3.5 uw and 3.8 weighted
GPA for 10-11 grade for UC's and Stanford/princeton? : 4.375 weighted
Rank: top 20 percent like 100/556</p>

<p>I did very bad freshman year and my father passed away sophomore year.... HUGE upward trend since then</p>

<p>took a total of 25 college courses including 12 AP's. If the schools weight ALL my college level courses, then my fully weighted GPA is a 4.18 for grades 9-12 and my rank is 6/556. It really depends whether they weight all my off campus college courses. I put this additional information in my application. </p>

<p>REC's and essays: very good
EC's: Eagle scout, jazz band, tennis, sent a video of me dancing a traditional ethnic dance which hopefully makes me stand out from the rest. I am a REd Cross blood donor recruiter and my blood drives have saved over 150 lives... over 600 hrs of community service. AP scholar with distinction blah blah...</p>

<p>In conclusion, my personal traits and qualities are good, but my numbers are HORRIBLE... I was deferred from Chicago EA with a 29 ACT and a top 25 percent applicant. was expected a sure rejection. I guess they really liked me as a person. Will some schools look beyond numbers? We shall find out in APRIL from all these 20 schools... if they look solely at numbers or do they actually want diverse applicants that can contribute to the school.</p>

<p>my uc fully weighted is 4.375 and my UC capped gpa is 3.85 I think UCLA doesnt cap gpa though and their average uncapped is a 4.29... their average ACT is a 28.</p>

<p>my biggest concern right now is if the schools recalculate GPA... my counselor said that fi they do, then they will weight all 25 of my college courses in high school and my actual GPA would be a 4.18 and a 6/556 rank.. so we'll see what happens.</p>

<p>you should definitely get into some of your instate UC's.</p>

<p>holy crud u applied to a lot o___O</p>

<p>which Uc's?</p>

<p>I agree w/ your predictions.</p>

<p>Waste of money... <em>sigh</em>.</p>

<p>I agree with your predictions.</p>

<p>Actually I think you have a good shot at NYU too.</p>


<p>Dude, if you don't care about undergrad you shouldn't have applied to 20 schools. </p>

<p>And if you're anti "prestige-whore", why apply to the top schools you can't get into?</p>

<p>Oh, I forgot. You're sending in an ethical dance vid. That'll get you into HYPS. XP</p>

<p>LOL. Your predictions are right and if you already knew what the likely outcome was i.e. rejections from most places, why did u apply to so many top schools and waste your money. lets just all be realistic..</p>

<p>I agree with most, but not all of your expectations (I'm presuming you are in-state):</p>

UC San Diego-accepted
UC Davis-accepted
Harvard- rejected
U of Chicago-rejected
Yale- rejected
USC-don't know--could go either way
NYU- accepted</p>

<p>The UCs only consider your 10-11th school years--and based upon what you wrote you have about a 3.85 UW and a 4.15 UC GPA. With your good test scores and upward grade trend, this should get you into most, if not all, of the UCs as an in-state student. </p>

<p>You have the necessary grades for NYU. USC is a real toss-up, but being in-state might help you there also. You should also get to UC San Diego.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>P.S. UCLA, like all the UCs will cap your weighted GPA at 8 honors/AP/IB courses.</p>

<p>i called UCLA and asked and they don't cap GPA at 8 semesters... so my uncapped fully weighted gpa for 10-11 is a 4.375. The average for UCLA freshman is 4.29.
Also their average ACT was around 27-28 I heard.</p>

<p>My UC capped GPA at 8 semesters is a 3.85. It's much lower than my uncapped because I took over 25 college courses during 10-12 grade. Got some B's and those B's counted as regular B's... not weighted B's.</p>
